The Petroleum (Liquid Methane) Order 1957

1.—(1) The provisions of the Petroleum (Consolidation) Act, 1928, except the provisions specified in the Schedule to this Order, shall apply to liquid methane subject to the modifications specified in paragraph (2) of this Article.

(2) (a) Section five (which contains provisions as to the labelling of vessels containing petroleum-spirit) shall have effect as if, in the words required by that section to be shown on the label referred to therein, the words “Liquid Methane” were substituted for the words “Petroleum-Spirit”.

(b)Subsections (1) and (2) of section seven (which requires byelaws to be made for harbours as to the loading of ships with petroleum-spirit and generally as to the precautions to be observed with respect to ships carrying petroleum-spirit whilst in the harbour) shall not apply except in relation to a harbour in which there is an installation specially constructed for landing liquid methane from ships or for loading liquid methane onto ships and in relation to the harbour authority having jurisdiction therein.

2.  This Order may be cited as the Petroleum (Liquid Methane) Order, 1957, and shall come into operation on the first day of June, 1957.

W. G. Agnew