Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

Canlyniadau Chwilio

Mae eich chwiliad am English language Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig o 1960-1969 wedi ei rifo between 400 a 499 wedi dod o hyd i fwy na 200 o ganlyniadau.

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Deddfwriaeth yn ôl Pennawd Pwnc

1. Dewiswch Lythyr Cyntaf Pennawd

2. Adfer Canlyniadau

    Sort ascending by TeitlBlynyddoedd a RhifauMath o ddeddfwriaeth
    The Motor Vehicles (Competitions and Trials) (Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 19671967 No. 439Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Local Authorities (Sinking Funds) Regulations 19671967 No. 434Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Telephone Amendment (No. 3) Regulations 19671967 No. 433Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning Authorities in Greater London) (Amendment) Regulations 19671967 No. 430Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Temporary Restrictions on Pay Increases (20th July 1966 Levels) (No. 5) Order 19671967 No. 424Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Supplementary Benefit (Claims and Payments) (Amendment) Regulations 19671967 No. 422Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Sugar Beet (Research and Education) Order 19671967 No. 417Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Royal Air Force (Determination of Service) Regulations 19671967 No. 416Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Motor Vehicles (Competitions and Trials) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 19671967 No. 415Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Parking Places (Transfer of Functions) Order 19671967 No. 414Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Rating (Charitable Institutions) (No. 8) Order 19671967 No. 413Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Rating (Charitable Institutions) (No. 7) Order 19671967 No. 412Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Rating (Charitable Institutions) (No. 6) Order 19671967 No. 411Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Rating (Charitable Institutions) (No. 5) Order 19671967 No. 410Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Rating (Charitable Institutions) (No. 4) Order 19671967 No. 409Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Rating (Charitable Institutions) (No. 3) Order 19671967 No. 408Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Rating (Charitable Institutions) (No. 2) Order 19671967 No. 407Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Rating (Charitable Institutions) (No. 1) Order 19671967 No. 406Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Films (Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 19671967 No. 400Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig
    The Therapeutic Substances (Manufacture and Importation) General (Amendment) Regulations 19661966 No. 498Offerynnau Statudol y Deyrnas Unedig

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