
Payment of benefit equivalent to pension increase

5.  The Minister for the Civil Service may, in respect of any period beginning on or after 1st September 1971, pay to any person to whom these Regulations apply an amount equal to the increase which would be payable to him under the Pensions (Increase) Act 1971 if—

(a)there were payable to him—

(i)a superannuation allowance under the civil service pension scheme of an amount equal to the notional pension ascribed to him under Regulation 4(1) above, and

(ii)in a case where a notional lump sum is ascribed to him under Regulation 4(2) above, a lump sum allowance under the civil service pension scheme of an amount equal to and becoming payable at the same time as that notional lump sum, and

(b)any allowance which might (but for the pensions (Increase) Act 1971) have been paid to him under the Pensions Increase (Former Wheat Commission Staff) Regulations 1970 were a relevant increase within the meaning of section 6(10) of that Act.