

This Order makes further transitional provision for three categories of bodies constituted by or under the Licensing Act 1964 which are affected by local government reorganisation as from 1st April 1974. It supplements the provisions of the Local Government (Petty Sessional Divisions etc.) Order 1973 (S.I. 1973/1593).

Article 3 provides for the continuation of part-heard proceedings before a compensation authority and for the transfer of the assets and liabilities of such an authority and the rendering of its accounts by the transferee authority.

Article 4 modifies the Orders constituting licensing planning areas so that they are in terms of new licensing districts and provides for the members of licensing planning committees appointed as from 1st April 1974 to hold office for three years from that date.

Article 5 similarly modifies the Orders which govern the constitution of licensed premises committees, extends (with immediate effect) the term of office of members of such committees which would otherwise expire before 1st April 1974 and provides for the term of office of members appointed by licensing justices for a new licensing district to expire at the same time as the terms of office of the other members of the committee (who are not affected by local government reorganisation) expire.