The Central Institutions (Scotland) Regulations 1988

Core membership

5.—(1) The core membership of each governing body shall be composed of —

(a)governors of a number determined in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3) being not less than 9 and not more than 13, who shall be appointed in accordance with those paragraphs, from among persons appearing to the appointing authority to have experience of, and to have shown capacity in, industrial, commercial or employment matters or the practice of any profession;

(b)the principal of the institution, the vice-principal of the institution and the president of the students' representative council or students' association in the institution, as governors ex officiis; and

(c)staff governors appointed as follows—

(i)one who shall be appointed by the academic council of the institution from among the members of the full-time academic staff of the institution who are members of the academic council;

(ii)one who shall be elected by the full-time academic staff of the institution from among such staff; and

(iii)one who shall be elected by the full-time non-academic staff of the institution from among such staff.

(2) The Secretary of State shall be the appointing authority for the first appointment of governors to be made under paragraph (1)(a) and he shall determine in respect of the governing body of each central institution, subject to the limits stated in paragraph (1)(a), the number of governors to be appointed thereunder, shall make appointments accordingly and shall determine the respective terms of office of each appointment.

(3) Following the Secretary of State’s determination of the number of governors and his appointment of governors under paragraph (2) in respect of a governing body—

(a)the appointing authority for the appointment of governors under paragraph (1)(a) shall be the core membership of that governing body;

(b)the governing body may by resolution vary the determination of the number of governors made by the Secretary of State under paragraph (2), subject to the limits stated in paragraph (1)(a), and the core membership of that governing body shall, where the number is increased, make additional appointments accordingly;

(c)a variation by the governing body under sub-paragraph (b) of the determination made by the Secretary of State under paragraph (2)—

(i)may in turn be varied by a subsequent resolution of that governing body, subject to the limits stated in paragraph (1)(a);

(ii)shall not have effect so as to terminate the appointment of any person who is a governor at the time when it takes effect.