The St. Helena Constitution Order 1988

Governor’s special responsibilities.

12.—(1) The Governor shall be responsible for the conduct (subject to the provisions of this Constitution and any other law) of any business of the Government of St. Helena, including the administration of any department of Government, with respect to the following matters–

(a)the appointment of any person to any public office, the suspension, termination of employment, dismissal, or retirement of any public officer or the taking of disciplinary action in respect of such an officer, the application to any public officer of the terms or conditions of employment of the public service (including salary scales, allowances, leave, passages or pensions) for which financial provision has been made;


(c)external affairs;

(d)internal security, including the Police;

(e)the administration of justice;

(f)finance; and


(2) The Governor, acting in his discretion, may assign to any member of the Executive Council responsibility for the conduct on behalf of the Governor of any business in the Legislative Council with respect to any of the matters mentioned in subsection (1) of this section.

(3) Where the Governor, acting in his discretion, determines that the exercise of any function conferred upon any other person or authority (other than the Legislative Council) would involve or affect any matter mentioned in subsection (1) of this section, he may, acting in his discretion, give directions as to the exercise of that function, and the person or authority concerned shall exercise the function in accordance with those directions.