The Family Proceedings Rules 1991

Adoption of minor who is a ward of court

5.4—(1) An application for leave–

(a)to commence proceedings to adopt a minor who is a ward or

(b)to commence proceedings to free such a minor for adoption,

may be ex parte to a district judge.

(2) Where a local authority has been granted leave to place a minor who is a ward with foster parents with a view to adoption it shall not be necessary for an application to be made for leave under paragraph (1)(a) or (b) unless the court otherwise directs.

(3) If the applicant for leave under paragraph (1)(a) or (b), or a local authority which has applied for leave as referred to in paragraph (2), or a foster parent so requests, the district judge may direct that any subsequent proceedings shall be conducted with a view to securing that the proposed adopter is not seen by or made known to any respondent or prospective respondent who is not already aware of his identity except with his consent.

(4) In paragraphs (1) and (3) “proceedings” means proceedings in the High Court or in a county court.