
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order provides for the carrying into effect for the year 1993—94 of the programme, as set out in the Schedule, of research and education in matters affecting the growing of home-grown beet.

It also provides for the assessment of contributions towards the expenditure on this programme and for their collection from the processors and growers of sugar beet in England and Wales. The rates of contributions at 11.0p per adjusted beet tonne are unchanged from the contributions in the Sugar Beet (Research and Education) Order 1992 (S.I. 1992/405).

“Adjusted beet tonne” is defined by reference to the inter-professional agreement of 3rd October 1983, as re-issued (with amendments) on 1st July 1992, made between British Sugar p.l.c. and the National Farmers' Union. A copy of the re-issued agreement may be inspected during usual office hours at the offices of British Sugar p.l.c., Oundle Road, Peterborough PE2 9QU, the National Farmers' Union, 22 Long Acre, London WC2E 9LY or the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Main Library, Whitehall Place, London SW1A 2HH.