The Habitat (Salt-Marsh) Regulations 1994

Regulation 3(b)


As regards any land which is the subject of an undertaking under regulation 3(a)—

(1) during the period preceding inundation of the land by the sea, the beneficiary shall manage the land in accordance with a programme agreed in writing with the Minister. The programme shall, where necessary, provide for establishment of ground cover where it is absent at the start of the management period, and for cutting of vegetation and blocking of any existing drainage system;

(2) where the beneficiary is responsible for any coastal defence situated immediately adjacent to the land, or is carrying out works to a coastal defence situated immediately adjacent to the land with the agreement of the responsible coastal defence authority or authorities, he shall agree in writing with the Minister a programme for effecting the inundation and shall effect the inundation in accordance with the programme so agreed.

(3) the beneficiary shall not apply any inorganic or organic fertilisers (including farmyard manure, pig and poultry manure, slurry and sewage sludge);

(4) the beneficiary shall not apply any lime, slag or other substance designed to reduce the acidity of the soil;

(5) the beneficiary shall not apply any fungicides or insecticides;

(6) the beneficiary shall not apply herbicides except to control spear thistle, creeping or field thistle, curled dock, broad-leaved dock or ragwort, and then only by means of a hand-held weed wiper or by spot treatment;

(7) the beneficiary shall not store or dump any materials or dispose of any pesticides, including sheep dip;

(8) the beneficiary shall not damage, destroy or remove any features of archaeological or historical value or interest;

(9) the beneficiary shall not undertake any activities on the land which in the opinion of the Minister would prejudice the establishment of salt-marsh vegetation;

(10) the beneficiary shall remove any accumulations of tidal debris which in the opinion of the Minister would prejudice the establishment of salt-marsh vegetation.