Article 2(3)
1. Ashcombe Road between its junction with Queen’s Road and a point 18.29m north west of the north western kerbline of Queen’s Road.
2. Belvedere Drive between its junction with St. Mary’s Road and a point 18.29m south west of the south western kerbline of St. Mary’s Road.
3. Church Hill between its junction with Lake Road and a point 18.29m west of the south western kerbline of Lake Road.
4. Dudley Road between its junction with King’s Road and a point opposite the party wall of 5 and 6 Dudley Road.
5. Dundonald Road between its junction with Hartfield Crescent and a point 18.29m south west of the south western kerbline of Newton Road.
6. Gladstone Road between its junction with The Broadway and a point opposite the north western boundary of 84 Gladstone Road.
7. Glendale Drive between its junction with Woodside and a point 18.29m north west of the north western kerbline of Woodside.
8. Hartfield Road between its junction with Wimbledon Bridge and a point 1.22m north west of a point opposite the southern wall of 175 Hartfield Road.
9. King’s Road between its junction with The Broadway and a point 18.29m north east of the north eastern kerbline of Dudley Road.
10. Lake Road between its junction with Woodside and a point 18.29m north east of the north eastern kerbline of St. Aubyn’s Avenue.
11. Montague Road between its junction with The Broadway and a point 27.43m south of the southern kerbline of The Broadway.
12. Newton Road between its junction with Dundonald Road and a point 18.29m north west of the north western kerbline of Dundonald Road.
13. Palmerston Road between its junction with The Broadway and a point opposite the north western boundary of 75 Palmerston Road.
14. Parkwood Road
(a)between its junction with Alexandra Road and a point 10m north west of the north western kerbline of Alexandra Road;
(b)between its junction with Woodside and a point 18.29m south east of the south western kerbline of Woodside.
15. Pelham Road between its junction with Gladstone Road and a point 15.24m north east of the north eastern kerbline of Palmerston Road.
16. Queen’s Road between its junction with The Broadway and a point 18.29m north east of the north eastern kerbline of Trinity Road.
17. Ridgway Place between its junction with Worple Road and a point 27.43m south east of a point opposite the common boundary of 53 and 55 Ridgway Place.
18. Rostrevor Road between its junction with Alexandra Road and a point 10m north west of the north western kerbline of Alexandra Road.
19. Russell Road between its junction with The Broadway and a point opposite the north western boundary of 83 Russell Road.
20. St. Aubyn’s Avenue between its junction with Church Hill and a point 18.29m north west of the northern kerbline of Church Hill.
21. St. John’s Road between its junction with Thornton Road and a point 10m north east of the north eastern kerbline of Thornton Road.
22. St. Mary’s Road between its junction with Woodside and a point 36.58m north east of a point opposite the south western boundary of 25 Belvedere Drive.
23. South Park Road between its junction with Queen’s Road and a point 18.29m east of the eastern kerbline of Trinity Road.
24. Southey Road between its junction with The Broadway and a point 27.43m south east of the south eastern kerbline of The Broadway.
25. Spencer Hill between its junction with Worple Road and the south eastern kerbline of St. John’s Road.
26. Springfield Road between its junction with Alexandra Road and a point 10m north west of the north western kerbline of Alexandra Road.
27. The Broadway between its junction with Wimbledon Bridge and a point 24.38m east of the eastern kerbline of Trinity Road.
28. Thornton Road between its junction with Thornton Hill and a point 15m north west of the north western kerbline of St. John’s Road.
29. Trinity Road
(a)between its junction with Queen’s Road and a point 18.29m south west of the south western kerbline of Queen’s Road;
(b)between its junction with The Broadway and a point 18.29m north of the north western kerbline of South Park Road.
30. Wimbledon Hill Road between its junction with Wimbledon Bridge and a point 16.76m north west of the north western boundary of 102 Wimbledon Hill Road.
31. Woodside between its junction with Wimbledon Hill Road and a point 18.29m north east of the north eastern kerbline of Parkwood Road.
32. Worple Road between its junction with Wimbledon Hill Road and a point opposite the common boundary of 70 and 72 Worple Road.