3. There shall be inserted after Schedule 3 a new Schedule as follows–
The Document is further amended as follows:
(a)in the contents page the reference to key stage 4 is omitted;
(b)in the title of the section headed “Attainment Targets and statements of attainment and programmes of study key stages 1 to 4” there is substituted for “4”“3”;
(c)under the sections headed, respectively, “Attainment Target 1”, “Attainment Target 2” and “Attainment Target 3” the numbers “8”, “9” and “10” in the first column, and the words in the second and third columns opposite those numbers, are omitted;
(d)in the introductory section headed “Programmes of study for history” in the first paragraph “and Models A and B for key stage 4” is omitted;
(e)the entire section headed “Programme of study for key stage 4” is omitted.”.