
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations, which come into force on 12th September 1994, extend to Great Britain only and revoke and re-enact with modifications the Pig Carcase (Grading) Regulations 1988 (S.I. 1988/1180), as amended. They provide for the administration and enforcement of the Community system of grading pig carcases established by Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3220/84 (OJ No. L301, 20.11.84, p.1), as amended, and the detailed rules for which are set out in Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2967/85 (OJ No. L285, 25.10.85, p.39) and Commission Decision 88/234/EEC (OJ No. L105, 26.4.88, p. 15), as amended.

The requirements as to that grading system do not apply to the carcases of pigs which have been used for breeding or which have been obtained in slaughterhouses which do not slaughter more than 200 such pigs per week on a yearly average basis (regulation 3).

In addition to drafting changes the Regulations make the following changes of substance—

(a)they specify the arrangements to be made where an occupier requests the Meat and Livestock Commission to carry out the Community classification requirements at a slaughterhouse occupied by him (regulation 7);

(b)they extend the powers of an authorised officer in relation to the premises he may enter, the carcases he may inspect and the records he may examine and also allow him to take with him other persons and equipment (regulation 8); and

(c)they require the giving of assistance to authorised officers (regulation 9).

The Regulations—

(a)require occupiers of slaughterhouses to which the Regulations apply to give the appropriate Minister specified particulars (regulation 4 and Schedule 1);

(b)add to the grading scale prescribed by Article 3(2) of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3220/84 the additional grade described in paragraph (3) of that Article (regulation 5);

(c)require occupiers of slaughterhouses to which the Regulations apply to weigh, grade, mark and identify pig carcases and keep records in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Community legislation (regulation 6);

(d)empower the Meat and Livestock Commission to carry out such weighing, grading, marking and identifying of pig carcases and make provision for its entering into agreements with occupiers of slaughterhouses for such purpose (regulation 7 and Schedule 2);

(e)confer on authorised officers of the Agriculture Ministers powers of entry and inspection for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Community provisions and the Regulations and require that such assistance be given them for that purpose as they may reasonably request (regulations 8 and 9);

(f)provide for the service of notices (regulation 10); and

(g)create offences and penalties, and provide for defences (regulations 11 and 12).

A compliance cost assessment has been prepared and has been deposited in the Library of each House of Parliament.