The Dairy Products (Hygiene) (Scotland) Regulations 1995


A. Special conditions for approval of treatment and processing establishments

1.  In addition to the general requirements laid down in Part I of this Schedule, an establishment shall meet the requirements set out below in this Part.

2.  The establishment shall possess equipment for the mechanical filling and proper automatic sealing of containers, (excluding churns, tanks and bulk packaging of more than 4 litres), which are to be used for packaging heat-treated drinking milk and liquid milk-based products, if such operations are carried out at that establishment. However in the case of limited production of liquid milk intended for drinking, alternative non-automatic filling and sealing methods may be used after authorisation by the food authority provided that such methods carry equal assurance with regard to hygiene.

3.  The establishment shall possess equipment for the cooling and cold storage of heat-treated milk and liquid milk-based products. Where raw milk is stored, purified or standardised at an establishment, that establishment shall also possess equipment for the cooling and cold storage of raw milk. Cold stores shall be equipped with correctly calibrated temperature-measuring apparatus.

4.  The establishment shall possess—

(a)in the case of dairy products wrapped in disposable containers, an area for the storage of such containers and for the storage of raw materials intended for their manufacture; and

(b)in the case of dairy products wrapped in re-usable containers, a special area for their storage and equipment designed to clean and disinfect them mechanically.

5.  The establishment shall possess containers for storing raw milk and, if appropriate, standardisation equipment and containers for storing standardised milk.

6.  The establishment shall possess centrifuges or any other suitable means for physically purifying milk, if appropriate.

7.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2) below a treatment establishment shall possess heat-treatment equipment, approved or authorised by the food authority for the treatment of dairy products, fitted with—

(a)in the case of a continuous heat-treatment system—

(i)an automatic temperature control;

(ii)correctly calibrated indicating and recording thermometers;

(iii)an automatic safety device preventing insufficient heating;

(iv)an adequate safety system preventing the mixture of heat-treated milk with milk which has not been fully heat-treated, and

(v)an automatic recording device which records the operation of the safety system referred to in sub-paragraph (iv) above, including a record of when the cleaning mode is in operation;

(b)in the case of any other heat-treatment system, at least a correctly calibrated recording thermometer.

(2) A treatment establishment may have equipment different to those specified in sub-paragraph (1) above provided that an equivalent performance may be achieved with equal assurances with regard to hygiene and the food authority has authorised the use of such equipment.

8.  A processing establishment shall possess equipment for heating, thermisation or heat-treatment which meets hygiene requirements if such operations are carried out in that establishment.

9.  The establishment shall possess equipment for the cooling, wrapping and storage of frozen milk-based products if such operations are carried out at that establishment.

10.  The establishment shall possess equipment for drying and wrapping powdered milk products, if such operations are carried out at that establishment.

B. Special conditions for approval of a collection centre

1.  In addition to the general requirements laid down in Part I of this Schedule, a collection centre shall have—

(a)cooling equipment or appropriate means for cooling milk and, if milk is stored at that collection centre, a cold-storage installation; and

(b)if milk is purified at that collection centre, centrifuges or any other apparatus suitable for the physical purification of milk.

C. Special conditions for approval of a standardisation centre

1.  In addition to the general requirements laid down in Part I of this Schedule, a standardisation centre shall have—

(a)containers for the cold storage of raw milk;

(b)standardisation equipment and containers for the storage of standardised milk;

(c)centrifuges or any other apparatus suitable for the physical purification of milk.