The Social Security (Incapacity for Work) (General) Regulations 1995

15. Completion of tasks.15(a)Cannot answer the telephone and reliably take a message.2
(b)Often sits for hours doing nothing.2
(c)Cannot concentrate to read a magazine article or follow a radio [F1or television] programme.1
(d)Cannot use a telephone book or other directory to find a number.1
(e)Mental condition prevents him from undertaking leisure activities previously enjoyed.1
(f)Overlooks or forgets the risk posed by domestic appliances or other common hazards due to poor concentration.1
(g)Agitation, confusion or forgetfulness has resulted in [F2potentially dangerous] or accidents in the 3 months before the day in respect to which it falls to be determined whether he is in incapable of work for the purposes of entitlement to any benefit, allowance or advantage.1
(h)Concentration can only be sustained by prompting.1
16. Daily living.16(a)Needs encouragement to get up and dress.2
(b)Needs alcohol before midday.2
(c)Is frequently distressed at some time of the day due to fluctuation of mood.1
(d)Does not care about his appearance and living conditions.1
(e)Sleep problems interfere with his daytime activities.1
17. Coping with pressure.17(a)Mental stress was a factor in making him stop work.2
(b)Frequently feels scared or panicky for no obvious reason.2
(c)Avoids carrying out routine activities because he is convinced they will prove too tiring or stressful.1
(d)Is unable to cope with changes in daily routine.1
(e)Frequently finds there are so many things to do that he gives up because of fatigue, apathy or disinterest.1
(f)Is scared or anxious that work would bring back or worsen his illness.1
18. Interaction with other people.18(a)Cannot look after himself without help from others.2
(b)Gets upset by ordinary events and it results in disruptive behavioural problems.2
(c)Mental problems impair ability to communicate with other people.2
(d)Gets irritated by things that would not have bothered him before he became ill.1
(e)Prefers to be left alone for 6 hours or more each day.1
(f)Is too frightened to go out alone.1