

Transport documentation

9.—(1) The occupier of approved premises shall ensure that minced meat and any meat preparation intended for consigment to a relevant EEA State is accompanied during the transportation from the premises—

(a)by an invoice or delivery note containing the following information—

(i)the approval number of the premises in which the minced meat or meat preparation was produced and, in the case of frozen minced meat, the month and year of freezing; and

(ii)in the case of minced meat destined for Finland or Sweden, a statement that the minced meat is free from salmonella bacteria; and

(b)in the case of minced meat or any meat preparations—

(i)which is obtained from any premises situated in a region or area subject to a prohibition or restriction under the Animal Health Act 1981(1); or

(ii)which will be transported through a third country; by a health certificate corresponding in form and content to that specified in Schedule 12 or Schedule 14, as the case may be, such certificate to be kept by the consignee for presentation upon request to the enforcement authority.

(2) In the case of minced meat or any meat preparation which has been consigned to a relevant EEA State and is intended for export to a third country, where the competent authority in the relevant EEA State so requests, veterinary certification shall be provided at the expense of the occupier of the approved premises in which the minced meat was produced.

(3) Any person who receives minced meat or meat preparations direct from any approved premises shall keep the invoice or delivery note so that it can be produced at the request of the enforcement authority.