
Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Regulations)

These Regulations amend the Education (Teachers) Regulations 1993 (“the principal Regulations”). Apart from minor, drafting and consequential amendments, the following changes have been made (regulation 4).

Licences and authorisations allowing unqualified teachers to teach in schools in England will after 31st March 1995 be granted by the Teacher Training Agency (established by the Education Act 1994 and given additional functions relating to these Regulations by S.I. 1995/601), rather than by the Secretary of State. Such licences and authorisations will be granted on the recommendation of governing bodies alone and the consent of local education authorities will not be required (except in the case of overseas trained teachers employed in pupil referral units where the recommending body is the local education authority). A licence or authorisation will lapse if the teacher ceases to be employed in the post particularised in the licence (or, in the case of an overseas trained teacher where the local education authority was the recommending body, if he ceases to be employed wholly or mainly in a pupil referral unit).

Licences and authorisations to teach in schools in Wales continue to be granted by the Secretary of State and the provisions relating to such licences and authorisations in substance remain unchanged.

The provisions relating to registered teachers have been amended so that registrations after 31st March 1995 will be effected by the Teacher Training Agency, and not the Secretary of State.

The amendment to the principal Regulations effected by section 14(2) of the Education Act 1994 has been incorporated as paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 3 to the principal Regulations allowing the Teacher Training Agency or the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales to accredit institutions as providers of courses of initial teacher training which satisfy the Secretary of State’s criteria, and the Secretary of State to grant qualified teacher status to persons who, inter alia, have successfully completed initial teacher training courses at such institutions.

Provisions in other Regulations which are spent are revoked (regulation 6).