4.The following Orders are hereby revoked— The Extradition (Taking of...
5.This Order extends only to the United Kingdom, the Channel...
The States Parties to this Convention,
Having in mind the purposes and principles of the Charter...
Recognizing in particular that everyone has the right to life,...
Reaffirming the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples...
Considering that the taking of hostages is an offence of...
Being convinced that it is urgently necessary to develop international...
Have agreed as follows:
Each State Party shall make the offences set forth in...
States Parties shall co-operate in the prevention of the offences...
The State Party where the alleged offender is prosecuted shall...
In so far as the Geneva Conventions of 1949 for...
This Convention shall not apply where the offence is committed...
Nothing in this Convention shall be construed as justifying the...
The provisions of this Convention shall not affect the application...
The original of this Convention, of which the Arabic, Chinese,...
In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto by...