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Housing Act 1988 section 13(2)

Landlord’s Notice proposing a new rent under an Assured Periodic Tenancy or Agricultural OccupancyE+W

•Please write clearly in black ink.

•Please tick boxes where appropriate.

•This form should be used to propose a new rent under an assured periodic tenancy, including an assured shorthold periodic tenancy.

•This form may also be used to propose a new rent or licence fee for an assured periodic agricultural occupancy. In such cases reference to “landlord"/ “tenant" can be read as references to “licensor"/ “licensee" etc.

•Do not use this form if there is a current rent fixing mechanism in the tenancy.

•Do not use this form to propose a rent adjustment for a statutory periodic tenancy solely because of a proposed change of terms under section 6(2) of the Housing Act 1988. You should instead use the form headedNotice proposing different terms for a Statutory Periodic Tenancy which you can obtain from a rent assessment panel or a law stationer.

1.  To: ....................E+W

Name(s) of tenant(s)

2.  Address of premises to which the tenancy relates:E+W




3.  This is to give notice that as from .................... your landlord proposes to charge a new rent.E+W

•The new rent must take effect at the beginning of a new period of the tenancy and not earlier than any of the following:

(a)the minimum period after this notice was served,

(The minimum period is:

—in the case of a yearly tenancy, six months;

—in the case of a tenancy where the period is less than a month, one month;

—in any other case, a period equal to the period of the tenancy;)

(b)the first anniversary of the start of the first period of the tenancy except in the case of:

—a statutory periodic tenancy, which arises when a fixed term assured tenancy ends, or;

—an assured tenancy which arose on the death of a tenant under a regulated tenancy;

(c)if the rent under the tenancy has previously been increased by a notice under section 13 or a determination under section 14 of the Housing Act 1988, the first anniversary of the date on which the increased rent took effect.

4.  (a)The existing rent is:

£....................per ....................
(e.g. week, month, year)

(b)Does the rent include council tax?


(c)If yes, the amount that is included for council tax is:

£....................per ....................
(e.g. week, month, year)

(d)Does the rent include water charges?


(e)If yes, the amount that is included for water charges is:

£....................per ....................
(e.g. week, month, year)

5. (a)The proposed new rent will be:

£....................per ....................
(e.g. week, month, year)

(b)Will the new rent include council tax?


(c)If yes, the amount that will be included for council tax will be:

£....................per ....................
(e.g. week, month, year)

(d)Will the new rent include water charges?


(e)If yes, the amount that will be included for water charges will be:

£....................per ....................
(e.g. week, month, year)

6.  Name and address of landlord.E+W

To be signed and dated by the landlord or his agent (someone acting for him). If there are joint landlords each landlord or the agent must sign unless one signs on behalf of the rest with their agreement.

Signed ....................


Date ....................

Please specify whether: landlord□ joint landlords□ landlord’s agent□

Name(s) (Block Capitals)







Telephone—Daytime.................... Evening....................

What to do if this notice is served on youE+W

•You should read this notice carefully. Your landlord is proposing a new rent.

•If you agree with the new rent proposed, do nothing. If you do not agree and you are unable to reach agreement with your landlord or do not want to discuss it directly with him, you may refer this notice to your local rent assessment committee prior to the date specified in section 3, using the form headedApplication referring a Notice proposing a new rent under an Assured Periodic Tenancy or Agricultural Occupancy to a Rent Assessment Committee. You can obtain this form from a rent assessment panel or a law stationer.

•The rent assessment committee will consider your application and will decide what the rent for the premises will be. The committee may set a rent that is higher, lower or the same as the landlord has proposed in section 5.

•If you are required to include payments for council tax and water charges in your rent, the rent the committee determines will be inclusive of council tax and water charges.

•If you need help or advice please take this notice immediately to a citizens advice bureau, a housing advice centre, a law centre or a solicitor.