The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) Order 1997

Agricultural buildings and operations

2.—(1) In Part 6 of Schedule 2 to the 1995 Order after paragraph A.2(4) insert—

(5) Where development consists of works for the erection, significant extension or significant alteration of a building and

(a)the use of the building or extension for the purposes of agriculture within the unit permanently ceases within ten years from the date on which the development was substantially completed; and

(b)planning permission has not been granted on an application, or has not been deemed to be granted under Part III of the Act, for development for purposes other than agriculture, within three years from the date on which the use of the building or extension for the purposes of agriculture within the unit permanently ceased,

then, unless the local planning authority have otherwise agreed in writing, the building or, in the case of development consisting of an extension, the extension, shall be removed from the land and the land shall, so far as is practicable, be restored to its condition before the development took place, or to such condition as may have been agreed in writing between the local planning authority and the developer.

(6) Where an appeal has been made, under the Act, in relation to an application for development described in paragraph 5(b), within the period described in that paragraph, that period shall be extended until the appeal is finally determined or withdrawn.

(7) Where development is permitted by Class A(a), the developer shall notify the local planning authority, in writing and within 7 days, of the date on which the development was substantially completed.

(2) In Part 6 of Schedule 2 to the 1995 Order after paragraph B.7 insert—

B.8  Development is permitted by Class B(a) subject to the following conditions—

(a)Where development consists of works for the significant extension or significant alteration of a building and

(i)the use of the building or extension for the purposes of agriculture within the unit permanently ceases within ten years from the date on which the development was substantially completed; and

(ii)planning permission has not been granted on an application, or has not been deemed to be granted under Part III of the Act, for development for purposes other than agriculture, within three years from the date on which the use of the building or extension for the purposes of agriculture within the unit permanently ceased,

then, unless the local planning authority have otherwise agreed in writing, the extension, in the case of development consisting of an extension, shall be removed from the land and the land shall, so far as is practicable, be restored to its condition before the development took place, or to such condition as may have been agreed in writing between the local planning authority and the developer.

(b)Where an appeal has been made, under the Act, in relation to an application for development described in paragraph B.8(a)(ii), within the period described in that paragraph, that period shall be extended until the appeal is finally determined or withdrawn.

(c)The developer shall notify the local planning authority in writing and within 7 days, of the date on which the development was substantially completed.