The Civil Procedure Rules 1998


76.21.(1) The following proceedings must be determined at a hearing—

(a)a hearing pursuant to directions given under section 4(1)(b) of the Act (derogating control orders);

(b)a hearing pursuant to directions given under sections 3(2)(c) or (6)(b) or (c) of the Act (non-derogating control orders);

(c)an appeal under section 10 of the Act (appeal relating to a non-derogating control order);

(d)an appeal to the Court of Appeal from an order of the High Court made in any of the above proceedings; and

(e)a hearing under rule 76.29(2) (consideration of Secretary of State’s objection).

(2) Paragraph (1)(c) and (d) do not apply where—

(a)the appeal is withdrawn by the controlled person;

(b)the Secretary of State consents to the appeal being allowed; or

(c)the controlled person is outside the United Kingdom or it is impracticable to give him notice of a hearing and, in either case, he is unrepresented.]