


Receiver’s accounts

Rule 5—(1) A receiver shall submit such accounts to such parties at such intervals or on such dates as the Court may direct.

(2) Any party to whom a receiver is required to submit accounts may, on giving reasonable notice to the receiver, inspect, either personally or by an agent, the books and other papers relating to such accounts.

(3) Any party who is dissatisfied with the accounts of the receiver may give notice specifying the item or items to which objection is taken and requiring the receiver within not less than 14 days to file his accounts with the Court and a copy of such notice shall be filed in the office or Registry of the Court dealing with the proceedings.

(4) Following an examination by or on behalf of the Court of an item or items in an account to which objection is taken the result of such examination must be certified by a Master, the Admiralty Registrar, a District Judge of the Family Division or a District Judge, as the case may be, and an order may thereupon be made as to the incidence of any costs or expenses incurred.