The Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water Regulations 1999

Regulations 11, 12 and 16

SCHEDULE 3E+WRequirements for spring water and drinking water including prescribed concentrations or values of parameters

Part IE+WRequirements for spring water and drinking water

1.  Water satisfies the requirements of this Schedule if–E+W

(a)the water does not contain any property, element, organism, or substance–

(i)(other than a parameter) at a concentration or value which would be injurious to health;

(ii)(whether or not a parameter) at a concentration or value which in conjunction with any other property, element, organism or substance it contains (whether or not a parameter) would be injurious to health;

(b)the water does not contain–

(i)concentrations or values of any of the parameters listed in Tables A to D in Part II of this Schedule in excess of the prescribed concentrations or values;

(ii)concentrations of trihalomethanes (being the aggregate of the concentrations of trichloromethane, dichlorobromomethane, dibromochloromethane and tribromomethane) in excess of 100μg/l; and

(c)in the case of water prepared from water which has been softened or desalinated, its hardness is not below a minimum concentration of 60 mg Ca/l and its alkalinity is not below a minimum concentration of 30 mg HCO3/l.

2.  The concentrations or values of the parameters listed in Tables A to D in Part II of this Schedule shall be read in conjunction with the notes thereto.E+W

Part IIE+WPrescribed concentrations or values


{s001} Note(i) If silver is used in a water treatment process, 80 may be substituted for 10.

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
ItemParametersUnits of MeasurementConcentration or Value (maximum unless otherwise stated)
1.Colourmg/l Pt/Co scale20
2.Turbidity (including suspended solids)Formazin turbidity units4
3.Odour (including hydrogen sulphide)Dilution number3 at 25°C
4.TasteDilution number3 at 25°C
6.SulphateMg SO4/l250
7.MagnesiumMg Mg/l50
8.SodiumMg Na/l150
9.PotassiumMg K/l12
10.Dry residuesMg/l1500 (after drying at 180°C)
11.NitrateMg NO3/l50
12.NitriteMg NO2/l0.1
13.Ammonium (ammonia and ammonium ions)Mg NH4/l0.5
14.Kjeldahl nitrogenMg N/l1
15.Oxidizability (permanganate value)Mg O2/l5
16.Total organic carbonMg C/lNo significant increase over that normally observed
17.Dissolved or emulsified hydrocarbons (after extraction with petroleum ether); mineral oilsμg/l10
18.Phenolsμg C6H5OH/l0.5
19.Surfactantsμg/l (as lauryl sulphate)200
20.Aluminiumμg A1/l200
21.Ironμg Fe/l200
22.Manganeseμg Mn/l50
23.Copperμg Cu/l3000
24.Zincμg Zn/l5000
25.Phosphorusμg P/l2200
26.Fluorideμg F/l1500
27.Silverμg Ag/l10 {s001}(i)


{s002}(i) The sum of the detected concentrations of individual substances.

{s003}(ii) The sum of the detected concentrations of fluoranthene, benzo 3.4 fluoranthene, benzo 11.12 fluoranthene, benzo 3.4 pyrene, benzo 1.12 perylene and indeno (1,2,3–cd) pyrene.

Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
ItemParametersUnits of MeasurementMaximum Concentration
1.Arsenicμg As/l50
2.Cadmiumμg Cd/l5
3.Cyanideμg CN/l50
4.Chromiumμg Cr/l50
5.Mercuryμg Hg/l1
6.Nickelμg Ni/l50
7.Seleniumμg Se/l10
8.Antimonyμg Sb/l10
9.Leadμg Pb/l10

Pesticides and related products:

(a)individual substances


(b)total substances {s002}(i)

11.Polycyclic aromatic Hydrocarbons {s003}(ii)μg/l0.2


Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
ItemParametersUnits of MeasurementMaximum Concentration or Value
1.ConductivityμS/cm1500 at 20°C
2.Chloridemg Cl/l400
3.Calciummg Ca/l250
4.Substances extractable in chloroformmg/l dry residue1
5.Boronμg B/l2000
6.Bariumμg Ba/l1000
7.Benzo 3.4 pyreneng/l10