The Trade Marks Rules 2000

Decision of registrar (Form TM5)

62.—(1) When, in any proceedings before her, the registrar has made a decision, she shall send to each party to the proceedings written notice of it, and for the purposes of any appeal against that decision, subject to paragraph (2) below, the date on which the notice is sent shall be taken to be the date of the decision.

(2) Where a statement of the reasons for the decision is not included in the notice sent under paragraph (1) above, any party may, within one month of the date on which the notice was sent to him, request the registrar on form TM5 to send him a statement of the reasons for the decision and upon such request the registrar shall send such a statement; and the date on which that statement is sent shall be deemed to be the date of the registrar’s decision for the purpose of any appeal against it.