
1.  The fees appearing in the Tables of the Schedule to this Order are established and are substituted for the fees appearing in the Tables of Schedule 1 to the Ecclesiastical Judges, Legal Officers and Others (Fees) Order 1999(1). The Tables of the Schedule to the Order contain particulars of the fees which are to be received, after the commencement of this Article:—

(a)by the ecclesiastical judges and legal officers named in that Schedule for carrying out by them of the duties of their offices specified in that Schedule; and

(b)by diocesan boards of finance in respect of the matters specified in Part II of Table I of that Schedule.

2.  The Ecclesiastical Judges, Legal Officers and Others (Fees) Order 1999 is hereby revoked.

3.—(a) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph nothing in this Order shall preclude a diocesan board of finance from agreeing to pay an additional fee to a diocesan registrar by way of annual fee or retainer (hereinafter called a “supplementary annual fee”) which is in addition to the annual fee or fees prescribed by Order made under the Ecclesiastical Fees Measure 1986.

(b)An agrement made under sub-paragraph (a) above shall be expressed to be an agreement for a payment by way of supplementary annual fee.

(c)An agreement made under sub-paragraph (a) above shall be in writing. The period for which the agreement is to run shall be stated in the agreement. In the absence of any such statement the agreement shall remain binding until determined by not less than three months' notice on either side.

(d)The body responsible for paying a supplementary annual fee shall be the diocesan board of finance.

4.  A fee specified in the Schedule to this Order (other than a fee specified in Part II of Table I of that Schedule) shall be increased by a sum for reasonable expenses of travel, subsistence, accommodation and the holding of court hearings.

5.  Where Value Added Tax is chargeable in respect of the provision of any service for which a fee is prescribed in this Order there shall be payable in addition to that fee the amount of the Value Added Tax.

6.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Ecclesiastical Judges, Legal Officers and Others (Fees) Order 2000.

(2) This Order shall come into operation on the first day of January 2001.

J Laws

+George Cantuar:

J R Sclater

G F Tattersall

D J V Wright

Dated this eighth day of June 2000

Approved by the General Synod the 7th day of July 2000

D M Williams

Clerk to the Synod