13.Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic Act (Northern Ireland) 1930
15.Acquisition of Land (Authorisation Procedure) (Scotland) Act 1947
22.Various Trunk Roads (Prohibition of Waiting) (Clearways) Order 1963
24.Carriage by Air Acts (Application of Provisions) Order 1967
30.Public Health (Aircraft) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1971
31.Public Health (Ships) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1971
32.Civil Defence (Posts and Telecommunications) Regulations 1971
33.Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) Regulations 1971
34.Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) (Northern Ireland) Regulations 1973
41.Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975
52.(1) Section 79 of that Act (meaning of “statutory undertakers”...
53.In section 80(1) of that Act (general interpretation provisions), at...
67.Magistrates' Courts (Discontinuance of Proceedings) Rules 1986
71.European Parliamentary Elections (Northern Ireland) Regulations 1986
74.Town and Country Planning (Determination of Appeals by Appointed Persons)(Prescribed Classes)(Scotland) Regulations 1987
76.Social Fund Cold Weather Payments (General) Regulations 1988
77.Consumer Protection (Code of Practice for Traders on Price Indications) Approval Order 1988
78.Legal Aid in Criminal and Care Proceedings (Costs) Regulations 1989
81.(1) Section 263 of that Act (meaning of operational land)...
82.In section 265(1)(c) of that Act (meaning of appropriate Minister)...
83.In section 336(1) of that Act (interpretation), at the appropriate...
84.Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
86.Housing (Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation) Regulations 1990
94.Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act 1992
95.Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development)(Scotland) Order 1992
96.Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992
97.Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) Rules 1992
102.Bail (Amendment) Act 1993 (Prescription of Prosecuting Authorities) Order 1994
105.The Prison and Young Offenders Centre Rules (Northern Ireland) 1995
107.Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995
109.Public Service Vehicles (Operators' Licences) Regulations 1995
111.Goods Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) (Temporary Use in Great Britain) Regulations 1996
113.(1) Section 215 of that Act (meaning of operational land)...
114.In section 217(1)(b) of that Act (meaning of appropriate Minister)...
115.In section 277(1) (interpretation), of that Act at the appropriate...
116.Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotlands) Act 1997
119.Vehicle Excise Duty (Immobilisation, Removal and Disposal of Vehicles) Regulations 1997
125.National Lottery (Imposition of Penalties and Revocation of Licences) Procedure Regulations 1999
126.Education (Registered Inspectors of Schools Appeal Tribunal and Registered Nursery Education Inspectors Appeal Tribunal) (Procedure) Regulations 1999
127.Enviromental Impact Assessment (Fish Farming in Marine Waters) Regulations 1999
128.Environmental Impact Assessment (Fish Farming in Marine Waters) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1999
129.National Assembly for Wales (Representation of the People) Order 1999
133.Visiting Forces and International Headquarters (Application of Law) Order 1999
137.Data Protection (Notification and Notification Fees) Regulations 2000
138.Data Protection Tribunal (Enforcement Appeals) Rules 2000
139.Data Protection Tribunal (National Security Appeals) Rules 2000
140.Data Protection Tribunal (National Security Appeals) (Telecommunications) Rules 2000
141.Local Government (Best Value) Performance Indicators Order 2000
142.Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2000
143.The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Prescription of Offices, Ranks and Positions) Order 2000
144.The Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Authorisations Extending to Scotland) Order 2000