The Personal Pension Schemes (Conversion of Retirement Benefits Schemes) Regulations 2001

Documents to accompany application

4.—(1) An application for approval under paragraph 3 of Schedule 23ZA must—

(a)state the date from which the trustees propose the approval should have effect; and

(b)be accompanied by the statements specified in paragraph (2) and the documents specified in paragraph (3).

(2) The statements, which must be signed by or on behalf of the trustees, are—

(a)a statement that assets have been identified in respect of each continuing member’s entitlement under the proposed personal pension scheme;

(b)a statement showing how the assets referred to in sub-paragraph (a) were identified; and

(c)a statement showing for each individual whom the trustees propose should be a continuing member, if approval is given, whether the whole of each asset so identified has been appropriated to that individual’s personal pension fund and, if not, what part of the asset has been so appropriated.

(3) The documents are—

(a)a copy of the rules and other scheme instruments which the trustees propose should apply to the personal pension scheme if approval is given;

(b)the written consent, to the making of the application, of each relevant employer; and

(c)documents showing how the requirements of regulations 7 and 8 were satisfied.