Weight and performance of public transport aeroplanes classified as aeroplanes of performance group E in their certificates of airworthiness
8.—(1) For the purposes of article 36(1), an aeroplane registered in the Territory in respect of which there is in force under this Order a certificate of airworthiness in which the aeroplane is designated as being of performance group E shall not fly for the purpose of public transport unless the weight of the aeroplane at the commencement of the take off run is such that the following conditions are satisfied:
(a)That weight for the altitude and the air temperature at the aerodrome at which the take off is to be made does not exceed the maximum take off weight specified as being appropriate to:
(i)the weight at which the aeroplane is capable, in the en route configuration and with all power units operating within the specified maximum continuous power conditions, of a rate of climb of 700 feet per minute if it has retractable landing gear and of 500 feet per minute if it has fixed landing gear; and
(ii)the weight at which the aeroplane is capable, in the en route configuration and if it is necessary for it to be flown solely by reference to instruments for any period before reaching the minimum altitude for safe flight on the first stage of the route to be flown, stated in, or calculated from the information contained in, the operations manual relating to the aeroplane and, with one power unit inoperative, of a rate of climb of 150 feet per minute.
(b)The distance required by the aeroplane to attain a height of 50 feet, with all power units operating within the maximum take off power conditions specified, when multiplied by a factor of 1:33 does not exceed the emergency distance available at the aerodrome at which the take off is to be made. The distance required by the aeroplane to attain a height of 50 feet shall be that appropriate to—
(i)the weight of the aeroplane at the commencement of the take off run;
(ii)the altitude at the aerodrome;
(iii)the air temperature at the aerodrome; and
(iv)not more than 50 per cent. of the reported wind component opposite to the direction of take off or not less than 150 per cent. of the reported wind component in the direction of take off.
(c)The aeroplane, at any time after it reaches a height of 1,000 feet above the aerodrome from which take off is to be made, will, in the meteorological conditions expected for the flight, in the event of any one power unit becoming inoperative at any point on its route or on any planned diversion therefrom, and with the other power unit or units, if any, operating within the specified maximum continuous power conditions, be capable of continuing the flight at altitudes not less than the relevant minimum altitude for the safe flight stated in, or calculated from the information contained in, the operations manual relating to the aeroplane to a point 1,000 feet above a place at which a safe landing can be made: in assessing the ability of the aeroplane to satisfy this condition it shall not be assumed to be capable of flying at any point on its route or on any planned diversion therefrom at an altitude exceeding that at which it is capable of a rate of climb with all power units operating within the maximum continuous power conditions specified of 150 feet per minute and, if it is necessary for it to be flown solely by reference to instruments, be capable, with one power unit inoperative, of a rate of climb of 100 feet per minute.
(d)The landing weight of the aeroplane for the altitude and the expected air temperature for the estimated time of landing at the aerodrome at which it is intended to land and at any alternate aerodrome will not exceed the maximum landing weight specified:
(i)at which the aeroplane is capable, in the en route configuration and with all power units operating within the specified maximum continuous power conditions, of a rate of climb of 700 feet per minute if it has retractable landing gear and of 500 feet per minute if it has fixed landing gear; and
(ii)at which the aeroplane is capable in the en route configuration and if it is necessary for it to be flown solely by reference to instruments for any period after leaving the minimum altitude for safe flight on the last stage of the route to be flown, stated in, or calculated from the information contained in, the operations manual relating to the aeroplane and with one power unit inoperative, of a rate of climb of 150 feet per minute.
(e)The landing distance required does not, at the aerodrome at which it is intended to land and at any alternate aerodrome exceed 70 per cent. of the landing distance available on the most suitable runway for a landing in still air conditions, and for the purposes of this sub-paragraph the distance required to land from a height of 50 feet shall be taken to be that specified as being appropriate to:
(i)the landing weight;
(ii)the altitude at the aerodrome; and
(iii)the temperature in the specified international standard atmosphere appropriate to the altitude at the aerodrome.
(2) (a) Subject to sub-paragraph (b), an aeroplane designated as aforesaid as an aeroplane of performance group E shall not fly for the purpose of public transport at night or when the cloud ceiling or visibility prevailing at the aerodrome of departure and forecast for the estimated time of landing at the aerodrome at which it is intended to land and at any alternate aerodrome are less than 1,000 feet and one nautical mile respectively.
(b)Sub-paragraph (a) shall not apply if the aeroplane is capable, in the en route configuration and with one power unit inoperative, of a rate of climb of 150 feet per minute.