The Detention Centre Rules 2001


19.—(1) At every detention centre all detained persons shall have access to a system of privileges approved by the Secretary of State, which shall include arrangements under which they may spend their money within the detention centre.

(2) Systems of privileges approved under paragraph (1) may include arrangements under which privileges may be granted to detained persons only in so far as they have met, and for so long as they continue to meet, specified standards of behaviour (whether under the compact, these Rules or otherwise).

(3) Systems of privileges which include arrangements of the kind referred to in paragraph (2) shall include procedures to be followed in determining whether or not any of the privileges concerned shall be granted to a detained person and such procedures shall include a requirement that the detained person be given reasons for any decision adverse to him together with a statement of the means by which he may appeal against it.

(4) This rule shall be without prejudice to any other provision of these Rules which provides that a privilege may be forfeited or otherwise lost or a detained person deprived of association with other detained persons.