The European Convention on Extradition Order 2001


Reservations and Declarations

Article 1

The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany considers Portugal’s reservation (under item c) to Article 1 of the Convention to be compatible with the object and purpose of the Convention only if refusal to grant extradition for offences punishable by a life-long sentence or detention order is not absolute. It takes the reservation to mean that the only circumstance in which extradition will not be granted is where there is no possibility under the law of the requesting state for the person sentenced to life imprisonment, having completed a certain proportion of the sentence or period of detention, to obtain a judicial review of his case with a view to having the remainder of the sentence commuted to probation.

Article 6

Extradition of Germans from the Federal Republic of Germany to a foreign country is not permitted by virtue of Article 16, paragraph 2, first sentence, of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany and must, therefore, be refused in every case.

The term “nationals” within the meaning of Article 6, paragraph 1b, of the European Convention on Extradition covers all Germans within the meaning of Article 116, paragraph 1, of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany.

The Federal Republic of Germany considers the placing of persons granted asylum in Poland on an equal standing with Polish nationals in Poland’s declaration with respect of Article 6, paragraph 1(a) of the Convention to be compatible with the object and purpose of the Convention only with the provision that it does not exclude extradition of such persons to a state other than that in respect of which asylum has been granted.

Article 21

In a case of transit under Article 21 of the European Convention on Extradition, Article 11 of the Convention will be applied mutatis mutandis.

Article 21

Transit of a German through the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany is not permitted by virtue of Article 16, paragraph 2, first sentence, of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany and must, therefore, be refused in every case.

Article 21

Where transit is to be effected by air through the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany without any intention to land, an assurance will be required to the effect that, according to the facts known to the requesting Party and the documents in its possession, the extradited person is not a German and does not claim such status.

Article 23

Where the request for extradition and the documents to be produced are not in the German language they must be accompanied by translations of the request and the documents into the German language or into one of the official languages of the Council of Europe.