The Al-Qa'ida and Taliban (United Nations Measures) Order 2002

Explanatory Note

(This Note is not part of the Order)

This Order, made under the United Nations Act 1946, gives effect to Resolution 1390, adopted by the Security Council of the United Nations on 16th January 2002. In view of the changing situation in Afghanistan, Resolution 1390 continued, amended or terminated as appropriate certain provisions of Security Council Resolutions 1267, adopted on 15th October 1999, and 1333, adopted on 19th December 2000 which imposed sanctions in relation to Usama bin Laden, the Taliban and the territory of Afghanistan. The effect of Resolution 1390 is to require States to prohibit the delivery or supply of arms and related matériel and the provision of related technical assistance and training to Usama bin Laden, Al-Qa'ida, the Taliban and their associates as designated in a list by the Security Council. It also prohibits the making of funds available to those persons.

The list of persons designated by the Security Council is to be found at

This Order revokes the Afghanistan (United Nations Sanctions) Order 2001 and the Afghanistan (United Nations Measures) Order 2001.