Statutory Instruments
2002 No. 1434
The Education (Teachers' Qualifications and Health Standards) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2002
Laid before Parliament
29th May 2002
Coming into force
1st September 2002
In exercise of the powers conferred on the Secretary of State by sections 218(1)(a), (2), (2A), (3) and 232(5) of the Education Reform Act 1988() and having consulted the General Teaching Council for England in accordance with section 218(2AA) of that Act, the Secretary of State for Education and Skills hereby makes the following Regulations:
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Education (Teachers' Qualifications and Health Standards) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 and shall come into force on 1st September 2002.
2. The Education (Teachers' Qualifications and Health Standards) (England) Regulations 1999() shall be amended as follows.
3. In paragraph 5 of Part II of Schedule 2 and in paragraph 12 of Part III of that Schedule insert “before 1st September 2002” after “qualified teacher but who has”.
4. In Schedule 2, after Part III, insert the following—
“Part IVEmployment-based Teacher Training Scheme
19.—(1) The Secretary of State may establish a scheme whereby a person may undertake teacher training while being employed as a teacher in a school for the purposes of obtaining qualified teacher status.
(2) A scheme established by the Secretary of State under paragraph (1) shall be known as an “employment-based teacher training scheme” for the purposes of these Regulations.
(3) A person who is not a qualified teacher may be employed as a teacher at a school, except a pupil referral unit, if he is undertaking teacher training on an employment-based teacher training scheme.
(4) The Teacher Training Agency shall exercise the function of administering any employment-based teacher training scheme in accordance with any guidance given to them by the Secretary of State.”.
5. In paragraph 7 of Schedule 3 insert “under Part II or III of Schedule 2” after “granted an authorisation”.
6. In Schedule 3, after paragraph 7, insert the following paragraph—
“7A.—(1) The person has—
(a)successfully completed a period of training on an employment-based teacher training scheme; and
(b)been assessed by, or on behalf of, the Teacher Training Agency as meeting the specified standards.
(2) A recommendation has been submitted by or on behalf of the Teacher Training Agency to the Secretary of State that the person mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) should be awarded qualified teacher status.
(3) In this paragraph, the “specified standards” has the same meaning as paragraph 7(3)(b).”.
Stephen Timms
Minister of State,
Department for Education and Skills
24th May 2002
Explanatory Note
These regulations amend the Education (Teachers' Qualifications and Health Standards) (England) Regulations (S.I. 1999/2166).
A new Part IV is inserted into Schedule 2 to provide for the establishment of an employment-based teacher training scheme for unqualified teacher trainees. Such teacher trainees were formerly referred to as graduate and registered teachers. The Teacher Training Agency will carry out the function of administering this scheme subject to such guidance as may be given by the Secretary of State.
Schedule 3 of the principal Regulations is amended to enable persons who successfully complete the period of teacher training under Part IV of Schedule 2 to be awarded qualified teacher status. Such persons must meet the standards required of persons who seek to become qualified teachers and they must be recommended to the Secretary of State by, or on behalf of, the Teacher Training Agency.
The provisions of Parts II and III of Schedule 2 and paragraph 7 of Schedule 3 are now applicable only to persons who have been granted authorisations prior to the commencement of these Regulations.