The Animal Gatherings (England) Order 2003

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order revokes and replaces the Animal Gatherings (Interim Measures) (England) Order 2003. It changes that Order as follows—

  • it extends the definition of “animal gatherings” to include animals brought together for inspections to ensure they possess specific breed characteristics (article 2);

  • it makes provision for premises in a sole occupancy group (article 3);

  • it imposes a 48 hour time limit on the duration of animal gatherings for the purpose of sales and onward consignment within Great Britain for slaughter, further rearing or finishing. A veterinary inspector may extend the time limit of an animal sale if this is necessary for animal welfare reasons or if the risk of introduction of disease into the sale or subsequent dissemination is low (article 7);

  • it extends paragraph 4 of the Schedule to include excreta from animals that have been unloaded from the vehicle at the licensed premises. It also provides that vehicles or equipment contaminated with animal excreta may enter licensed premises for the sole purpose of cleansing and disinfecting the vehicle.

As before, it requires a licence for animal gatherings (article 4). It specifies that an animal gathering can only take place 27 days after the last animal left those premises and equipment on the premises has been cleaned of visible contamination (article 5). If the gathering takes place in paved premises article 6 makes provision for the cleansing and disinfection of those premises and enables a gathering to take place inside the normal time limits. It imposes duties on persons attending an animal gathering (article 8 and the Schedule). It imposes restrictions following an animal gathering (article 9).

It revokes the Markets, Sales and Lairs Order 1925 (S.I. 1925/1349) and amending instruments (article 11). It is enforced by the local authority (article 10).

Breach of the Order is an offence under section 73 of the Animal Health Act, punishable in accordance with section 75 of that Act.

A Regulatory Impact Assessment has been prepared and placed in the library of each House of Parliament. Copies can be obtained from Renate Lowres, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 1A Page Street, London SW1P 4PQ.