
RESTRICTED AREASAntarctic Specially Protected Area No. 143 Marine Plain, Mule Peninsula, Vestfold Hills, Princess Elizabeth Land Lat. 68°37'S; Long. 78°07'E

Marine Plain ASPA lies approximately 10 kilometres southeast of Davis station in the Vestfold Hills. The Area (23.4 km2) opens into an arm of Crooked Fjord on the southern side of Mule Peninsula, the southernmost of the three major peninsulas that comprise the Vestfold Hills. The Vestfold Hills are a largely ice-free oasis of approximately 512 km2 of bedrock, glacial debris, lakes, and ponds, at the eastern side of Prydz Bay, Princess Elizabeth Land.

The Area includes Marine Plain (approximately 3 km2), which occupies the centre of the Area in a north-south orientation. Pickard Ridge (maximum elevation of 70 m) separates this site from Poseidon Basin in the northeast.

MAP: ASPA No. 143: Marine Plain