9.—(1) The Concessionaires shall establish an allocation body to allocate train paths in the Fixed Link. The allocation body shall ensure that infrastructure capacity is allocated on a fair and non-discriminatory basis and in accordance with Community law, and shall respect the confidentiality of any commercial information provided to it in the exercise of this function. Subject to compliance with Article 9.2, the Concessionaires as infrastructure manager shall fulfil the role of the allocation body.
(2) The allocation body established in accordance with Article 9.1 shall be independent in its legal form, organisation and decision-making from any railway undertaking.
(3) Requests for train paths, corresponding to the exercise of the rights laid down in Article 3, shall be submitted to the allocation body, or to any other relevant infrastructure manager, or to any joint body established by infrastructure managers for this purpose. Requests for train paths shall be submitted in accordance with the conditions and procedures set out in the Network Statement complemented, where a framework agreement is in place and as appropriate, by the provisions of that agreement. The allocation body must adhere to the requirements set out in Article 18 to Council Directive 2001/14/EC.
(a)The right to use specific infrastructure capacity in the form of a train path may be granted to international groupings and railway undertakings for a maximum duration of one working timetable period. Any international grouping or railway undertaking who is a party to a framework agreement shall apply for capacity in accordance with the terms of that agreement. Once the allocation body has allocated capacity to an international grouping or railway undertaking, that capacity may not be transferred by the recipient to another undertaking or service. Any trading in infrastructure capacity is prohibited and shall lead to that international grouping or railway undertaking being excluded from the further allocation of capacity.
(b)The allocation body shall consider all applications for capacity under the conditions and following the deadlines set out in the Network Statement. It shall take account of the capacity needed for maintenance, renewal and improvement of the infrastructure. It shall as far as is possible meet all requests for infrastructure capacity. Where there are conflicting requests for capacity, the allocation body shall have the right to propose different paths to those that were requested; any such proposal must be accompanied by a justification. The allocation body shall attempt, through consultation with the appropriate applicants, to achieve a resolution of any conflicts.
(c)At the end of the scheduling process, the allocation body shall establish a draft working timetable which it shall circulate to all interested parties. Interested parties shall have at least one month in which to make any comments on the draft. At the end of that period, the allocation body shall take appropriate measures to deal with any concerns that are expressed, and then establish a definitive allocation proposal.
(d)Without prejudice to the provisions of article 12, in case of disputes relating to the allocation of infrastructure capacity, the allocation body shall establish a dispute resolution system in order to resolve such disputes promptly. The system shall be described in the Network Statement and, where the system is applied, a decision shall be reached within a time limit of ten working days.
(e)Requests for paths may be made after publication of the working timetable and for the remainder of the duration of that timetable period. Ad-hoc requests for individual train paths may also be made at any time during the current working timetable period. The allocation body must respond to ad hoc requests for individual train paths as quickly as possible and, in any event, within five working days. Information supplied on available spare capacity shall be made available to all international groupings or railway undertakings who may wish to use this capacity.
(4) The allocation body shall give its reasons for any refusal of train paths.
(5) The allocation body may, giving reasons, withdraw or alter allocated paths—
(a)to allow unscheduled maintenance on the railway infrastructure;
(b)at the request of the Intergovernmental Commission, of either of the two Principals or of both Principals acting jointly, to give priority to transport needed for national defence; or
(c)to allow more efficient use of the infrastructure when the path has, for a period of at least one month, been used less than a threshold quota set out in the Network Statement.
Fifteen days notice must be given to the path holder, and the railway undertakings affected must be consulted, on any decision to modify or withdraw paths. The allocation body must advise the duration of the modification or withdrawal. In the circumstances described at (c) above, the modification or withdrawal may last for the duration of the current working timetable period.
However, in the event of an emergency and where absolutely necessary, particularly in the event of an accident, a breakdown rendering the infrastructure temporarily unusable or any other event preventing the reasonably safe use of the infrastructure, the allocation body may without warning withdraw the paths allocated for as long as is necessary to repair or recover the system. The allocation body shall immediately inform the Intergovernmental Commission of such a closure.
The terms governing compensation shall be set out in the agreement entered into in accordance with Article 6(d).
(6) The allocation body shall co-operate with other infrastructure managers to ensure that there is proper co-ordination of train paths through the Fixed Link and on to other networks, and shall establish such procedures as are appropriate to enable this to take place in accordance with article 15 of Council Directive 2001/14/EC.