The Animals and Animal Products (Import and Export) (England) Regulations 2006 (revoked)

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Introduction

    1. 1.Title, application, commencement and interpretation

    2. 2.Exception

    3. 3.Enforcement

  3. PART 2 Intra-Community Trade

    1. 4.Application of Part 2

    2. 5.Exports

    3. 6.Imports

    4. 7.Transport of animals and animal products

    5. 8.Dealers

    6. 9.Approval of centres and teams for the purposes of Council Directive 92/65/EEC and of laboratories for the purposes of Council Directive 2009/158/EC

    7. 10.Inspection and checking at destination

    8. 11.Duties on consignees

    9. 12.Assembly centres and slaughterhouses

    10. 13.Illegal consignments

  4. PART 3 Third Country Imports

    1. 14.Application of Part 3

    2. 15.Official veterinarians

    3. 16.Importation

    4. 17.Places of import

    5. 18.Import procedure

    6. 19.Quarantine of captive birds

    7. 20.Payment of fees

    8. 21.Consignments constituting a danger to health

    9. 22.Illegal consignments

    10. 23.Arrival at the place of destination

    11. 24.Post-import controls

  5. PART 4 Imports Where Checks Have Been Carried Out in Another Member State

    1. 25.Application of Part 4

    2. 26.Imports

    3. 27.Import procedure

  6. PART 4A Third Country Exports

    1. 27A.Application of Part 4A

    2. 27B.Exports to third countries

  7. PART 5 General

    1. 28.Outbreaks of disease in other states

    2. 29.Notification of decisions

    3. 30.Powers of inspectors

    4. 31.Recovery of expenses and determination of charges

    5. 32.Obstruction

    6. 33.Offences by bodies corporate

    7. 34.Penalties

    8. 35.Disapplication of provisions

    9. 36.Revocation

  8. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Amendments to Council Directives 90/425/EEC and 91/496/EEC

      1. 1.. . . . . . . . . ....

      2. 2.. . . . . . . . . ....

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Border Inspection Posts

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Intra-Community trade: legislation and additional requirements

      1. PART I Legislation in Relation to Intra-Community Trade

        1. 1.Bovine animals and swine

        2. 2.Bovine semen

        3. 3.Bovine embryos

        4. 4.Equidae

        5. 5.Council Directive 90/427/ EEC on the zootechnical and genealogical conditions...

        6. 6.Porcine semen

        7. 7.Poultry and hatching eggs

        8. 8.Animal waste

        9. 9.Fish

        10. 10.Directive 2004/41/ EC of the European Parliament and of the...

        11. 11.Commission Regulation (EC) No 1251/2008 implementing Council Decision 2006/88/ EC...

        12. 12.Ovine and caprine animals

        13. 13.Other animals, semen, ova and embryos

        14. 14.Circuses and animal acts

        15. 15.Pathogens

        16. 16.Pure-bred animals of the bovine species

        17. 17.Breeding animals of the porcine species

        18. 18.Pure-bred breeding sheep and goats

        19. 19.Bluetongue susceptible animals

        20. 20.Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

        21. 21.Commission Decision 2007/453/ EC establishing the BSE status of Member...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      The Poultry Health Scheme


        1. 1.Any reference to “the Directive” in this Part of this...

        2. 2.An application for an establishment to become a member of...

        3. 3.The Secretary of State shall only grant membership of the...

        4. 4.The disease surveillance programme referred to in paragraph (b) of...

        5. 5.On receipt of the first annual membership fee, the Secretary...

        6. 6.The operator of an establishment that is a member of...

        7. 7.In order to ensure that operators and their establishments continue...

        8. 8.Without prejudice to any action which may be taken under...

        9. 9.The Secretary of State— (a) shall suspend, revoke or restore...


        1. 1.The Secretary of State shall— (a) determine the registration fee...

        2. 2.The registration fee shall be payable to the Secretary of...

        3. 3.The items referred to in paragraph 1(a) are—


        1. 1.There shall be two rates for the annual membership fee:...

        2. 2.The lower rate shall be payable— (a) the first time...

        3. 3.The Secretary of State shall— (a) determine the two rates...

        4. 4.The annual membership fee shall be payable to the Secretary...

        5. 5.The items referred to in paragraph 3(a) are (subject to...

        6. 6.The items listed in paragraph 5 shall not include any...


        1. 1.The re-inspection fee provided for under paragraph 8, Part I...

        2. 2.The Secretary of State may, using such criteria as he...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Approval of Laboratories under the Poultry Health Scheme


        1. 1.The Secretary of State may approve any laboratory that he...

        2. 2.The operator of a laboratory approved under paragraph 1 shall...

        3. 3.The annual approval fee is the fee provided for in...

        4. 4.An inspector shall carry out inspections and quality assurance testing...

        5. 5.In so far as such costs have not been taken...

        6. 6.The Secretary of State— (a) may charge a fee for...

        7. 7.A fee charged under paragraphs 4, 5 or 6 shall...


        1. 1.The Secretary of State— (a) shall determine the annual approval...

        2. 2.The annual approval fee shall be payable to the Secretary...

        3. 3.The items referred to in paragraph 1(a) are—

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      List of Diseases

      1. Foot and mouth disease

      2. Classical swine fever

      3. African swine fever

      4. Swine vesicular disease

      5. Newcastle disease

      6. Rinderpest

      7. Peste des petits ruminants

      8. Vesicular stomatitis

      9. Bluetongue

      10. African horse sickness

      11. Equine encephalomyelitis (of all types, including Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis)

      12. Teschen disease

      13. Avian influenza

      14. Sheep and goat pox

      15. Lumpy skin disease

      16. Rift valley fever

      17. Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia

      18. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy

      19. Infectious haematopoietic necrosis

      20. Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia

      21. Dourine

      22. Equine infectious anaemia

      23. Glanders

      24. Infectious Salmon anaemia

      25. Small hive beetle (Aethina tumida)

      26. Tropilaelaps mite

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      EU legislation in relation to imports from third countries

      1. PART I Instruments specifying Third Countries and territories in Third Countries from which Member States may authorise certain imports

        1. 1.Cloven-hoofed animals and elephants and zoo ungulates

        2. 2.Poultry

        3. 3.Captive birds

        4. 4.Shellfish and finfish

        5. 5.Bees

        6. 6.Equidae

        7. 7.Commission Decision 2010/57/ EU laying down health guarantees for the...

        8. 8.Cats, dogs and ferrets

      2. PART II Detailed provisions

        1. 9.Cloven-hoofed animals and elephants and zoo ungulates

        2. 10.Zoo ungulates

        3. 11.General provisions for equidae

        4. 12.Commission Decision 2004/211/ EC establishing the list of third countries...

        5. 13.Temporary admission of registered horses

        6. 14.Registered horses for racing etc, upon re-entry

        7. 15.Equidae for slaughter

        8. 16.Registered equidae and equidae for breeding and production

        9. 17.Poultry

        10. 18.Commission Regulation (EC) No 798/2008 laying down a list of...

        11. 19.Other specified animals, semen, ova and embryos

        12. 20.Captive birds

        13. 21.Cats, dogs and ferrets

        14. 22.Live animals from New Zealand

        15. 23.Zootechnical conditions

        16. 24.Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies

        17. 25.Commission Decision 2007/453/ EC establishing the BSE status of Member...

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Quarantine of Captive Birds

      1. PART I Approvals

        1. 1.The Secretary of State— (a) may, if he is satisfied...

        2. 2.The Secretary of State shall give reasons in writing—

        3. 3.Notice of a revocation or suspension of an approval shall—...

        4. 4.Where an approval is revoked or is to be revoked...

      2. PART II Charges in relation to approvals of avian quarantine centres and facilities, official supervision, sampling and laboratory testing

        1. 5.General charging provisions

        2. 6.A demand for payment of charges made under this Schedule...

        3. 7.Charges relating to approvals

        4. 8.Charges for official veterinary supervision and sampling

        5. 9.Charges for testing of samples by the official laboratory

    9. SCHEDULE 8A

      Community legislation in relation to exports to third countries

      1. Bluetongue susceptible animals Instrument: Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1266/2007 on implementing rules for...

        1. Bluetongue susceptible animals

          1. 1.Instrument: Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1266/2007 on implementing rules for...

    10. SCHEDULE 9

      Legislation that does not apply

  9. Explanatory Note