2.4.1 Safety
The structure of the rolling stock and of the links between vehicles must be designed in such a way as to protect the passenger and driving compartments in the event of collision or derailment.
The electrical equipment must not impair the safety and functioning of the control and command and signalling installations.
The braking techniques and the stresses exerted must be compatible with the design of the track, engineering structures and signalling systems.
Steps must be taken to prevent access to electrically-live constituents in order not to endanger the safety of persons.
In the event of danger, devices must enable passengers to inform the driver and accompanying staff to contact him.
The access doors must incorporate an opening and closing system which guarantees passenger safety.
Emergency exits must be provided and indicated.
Appropriate provisions must be laid down to take account of the particular safety conditions in very long tunnels.
An emergency lighting system of sufficient intensity and duration is compulsory on board trains.
Trains must be equipped with a public address system which provides a means of communication to the public from on-board staff and ground control.