
Content of statements provided in relation to fixed-sum credit agreements

7.  Subject to regulations 8 and 9, where the creditor and the debtor have entered into an agreement to aggregate—

(a)the reference to payments made in paragraph 3(g) of Schedule 1 may be construed as a reference to the aggregated payments which the debtor is permitted or required to make;

(b)the reference to interest and charges which became due in paragraph 3(h) of Schedule 1 may be construed as the aggregated interest and charges which became due;

(c)the reference to movements in paragraph 3(i) of Schedule 1 may be construed as a reference to the aggregated movements in all the accounts maintained by the creditor in relation to the agreements to which the agreement to aggregate relates;

(d)where any of the forms of wording set out in Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 1 do not apply to all the agreements to which the agreement to aggregate relates the creditor shall identify for each form of wording which does not so apply the regulated agreement or agreements to which it relates;

(e)the information required under paragraphs 1, 2, 3(c), 3(d) and 3(e) of Schedule 1 need only be shown once where the information which would otherwise have to be included for the agreements to which the agreement to aggregate relates is the same for each agreement.