The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2007

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation, commencement and application

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Alterations to maintained schools by governing bodies: foundation proposals

  5. 4.Other alterations to maintained schools by governing bodies

  6. 5.Alterations to maintained schools by local education authorities

  7. 6.Consultation prior to these Regulations

  8. 7.Land transfers

  9. 8.Regard to guidance

  10. 9.Revocation

  11. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1


      1. PART 1 Information to be included in or provided in relation to foundation proposals

        1. 1.All proposals must include the following information—

        2. 2.Where the prescribed alteration is a change of category to...

        3. 3.Where the prescribed alteration is the acquisition of a foundation...

        4. 4.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2) where the prescribed alteration is...

      2. PART 2

        1. 5.Consultation on proposals

        2. 6.Manner of publication of proposals

        3. 7.Where the proposals relate to a special school, the governing...

        4. 8.Objections and comments

        5. 9.Governing body as decision maker

        6. 10.Referrals to adjudicator for consideration and determination

        7. 11.Where the local education authority exercise their right to require...

        8. 12.The local education authority may only require that the proposals...

        9. 13.Where the governing body is required (under paragraph 10) to...

        10. 14.Withdrawal of proposals

        11. 15.Consideration and determination by governing body or adjudicator

        12. 16.(1) Where proposals have been referred to the adjudicator for...

        13. 17.Referral to the adjudicator post determination

        14. 18.Provision for notification of decisions

        15. 19.Conditional approval

        16. 20.Duty to implement proposals

        17. 21.Revocation of proposals (after approval)

        18. 22.Modification post determination

        19. 23.Proposals not falling to be implemented

        20. 24.Unimplemented statutory proposals

        21. 25.Revision or replacement of the school’s instrument of government

        22. 26.Reconstitution or replacement of the governing body

        23. 27.Current governors continuing in office

        24. 28.Surplus governors

        25. 29.Transfer of staff for foundation change of category

        26. 30.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), paragraph 29 applies to any...

        27. 31.Any person who before the implementation date has been appointed...

        28. 32.Paragraphs 29 to 31 are without prejudice to any right...

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. PART 1 Prescribed alterations proposed by the governing body of a foundation or voluntary school.

        1. 1.Enlargement to premises

        2. 2.Increase in number of pupils

        3. 3.Alteration of upper age limit

        4. 4.Alteration of lower age limit

        5. 5.Special educational needs

        6. 6.Admissions arrangements

        7. 7.Sex of pupils

        8. 8.Boarding

        9. 9.Transfer to new site

        10. 10.Discontinuance of use of site

        11. 11.Changes of category

      2. PART 2 Prescribed alterations proposed by the governing body of a community school.

        1. 12.Enlargement to premises

        2. 13.Increase in number of pupils

        3. 14.Alteration of upper age limit

        4. 15.Admission arrangements

        5. 16.Changes of category

      3. PART 3 Prescribed alterations proposed by the governing body of a foundation special or community special school

        1. 17.Special education needs

        2. 18.Transfer to new site

        3. 19.Increase in number of pupils

        4. 20.Decrease in numbers

        5. 21.Boarding

        6. 22.Alteration of upper or lower age limits

        7. 23.Sex of pupils

    3. SCHEDULE 3


      1. PART 1 Information to be included in or provided in relation to proposals

        1. 1.School and governing body’s details

        2. 2.Implementation and any proposed stages for implementation

        3. 3.Objections and comments

        4. 4.Alteration description

        5. 5.School capacity

        6. 6.Implementation

        7. 7.Additional Site

        8. 8.Changes in boarding arrangements

        9. 9.Transfer to new site

        10. 10.Objectives

        11. 11.Consultation

        12. 12.Project costs

        13. 13.A copy of confirmation from the Secretary of State, local...

        14. 14.Age range

        15. 15.Early years provision

        16. 16.Changes to sixth form provision

        17. 17.Where the proposals are to alter the upper age limit...

        18. 18.Special educational needs

        19. 19.Where the proposals are to discontinue provision for special educational...

        20. 20.Where the proposals will lead to alternative provision for children...

        21. 21.Sex of pupils

        22. 22.Where the proposals are to make an alteration to a...

        23. 23.Extended services

        24. 24.If the proposals involve adding places— (a) a statement and...

        25. 25.If the proposals involve removing places— (a) a statement and...

        26. 26.Additional information in the case of special schools

      2. PART 2 Publication, determination and implementation of proposals

        1. 27.Consultation on proposals

        2. 28.Manner of publication of proposals

        3. 29.Objections and comments

        4. 30.Local education authority as decision maker

        5. 31.Consideration and determination of proposals by the local education authority or adjudicator

        6. 32.(1) Where any proposals have been referred to the adjudicator...

        7. 33.Referral to adjudicator post determination

        8. 34.Provision for notification of decisions

        9. 35.Related proposals

        10. 36.Determination of proposals where the school is transferring to a different local education authority

        11. 37.Transitional exemption orders under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975

        12. 38.Conditional approvals

        13. 39.Withdrawal of proposals

        14. 40.Duty to implement proposals

        15. 41.Revocation of proposals (after approval)

        16. 42.Modification post determination

        17. 43.Proposals not falling to be implemented

      3. PART 3 Provisions relating to change of category only

        1. 44.Unimplemented statutory proposals

        2. 45.Revision or replacement of the school’s instrument of government

        3. 46.Reconstitution or replacement of the governing body

        4. 47.Current governors continuing in office

        5. 48.Surplus governors

        6. 49.Transfer of staff

        7. 50.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), paragraph 49 applies to any...

        8. 51.Any person who before the implementation date has been appointed...

        9. 52.Where a voluntary controlled school changes category to a voluntary...

        10. 53.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), paragraph 52 applies to any...

        11. 54.Any person who before the implementation date has been appointed...

        12. 55.(1) This paragraph applies where a voluntary controlled school with...

    4. SCHEDULE 4


      1. PART 1 Prescribed alterations proposed by a local education authority in respect of community schools

        1. 1.Enlargement to premises

        2. 2.Increase in number of pupils

        3. 3.Alteration of upper age limit

        4. 4.Alteration of lower age limit

        5. 5.Special education needs

        6. 6.Sex of pupils

        7. 7.Boarding

        8. 8.Transfer to new site

        9. 9.Discontinuance of use of site

      2. PART 2 Prescribed alterations proposed by a local education authority in respect of community special schools.

        1. 10.Special educational needs

        2. 11.Transfer to new site

        3. 12.Increase in number of pupils

        4. 13.Decrease in numbers

        5. 14.Boarding

        6. 15.Alteration of upper or lower age limits

        7. 16.Sex of pupils

      3. PART 3 Prescribed alterations proposed by a local education authority in respect of maintained nursery schools

        1. 17.Transfer to new site

      4. PART 4 Prescribed alterations proposed by a local education authority in respect of foundation or voluntary schools.

        1. 18.Enlargement to premises

        2. 19.Increase in number of pupils

        3. 20.Special educational needs

        4. 21.Alteration of upper age limit

      5. PART 5 Prescribed alterations proposed by a local education authority in respect of foundation special schools

        1. 22.Increase in number of pupils

        2. 23.Special educational needs

    5. SCHEDULE 5


      1. PART 1 Information to be included in or provided in relation to proposals

        1. 1.School and local education authority details

        2. 2.Implementation and any proposed stages for implementation

        3. 3.Objections and comments

        4. 4.Alteration description

        5. 5.School capacity

        6. 6.Implementation

        7. 7.Additional Site

        8. 8.Changes in boarding arrangements

        9. 9.Transfer to new site

        10. 10.Objectives

        11. 11.Consultation

        12. 12.Project costs

        13. 13.A copy of confirmation from the Secretary of State, local...

        14. 14.Age range

        15. 15.Early years provision

        16. 16.Changes to sixth form provision

        17. 17.Where the proposals are to alter the upper age limit...

        18. 18.Special educational needs

        19. 19.Where the proposals are to discontinue provision for special educational...

        20. 20.Where the proposals will lead to alternative provision for children...

        21. 21.Sex of pupils

        22. 22.Where the proposals are to make an alteration to a...

        23. 23.Extended services

        24. 24.If the proposals involve adding places— (a) a statement and...

        25. 25.If the proposals involve removing places— (a) a statement and...

        26. 26.Additional information in the case of special schools

      2. PART 2 Publication, determination and implementation of proposals

        1. 27.Consultation on proposals

        2. 28.Manner of publication of proposals

        3. 29.Objections and comments

        4. 30.Local education authority as decision maker

        5. 31.Consideration and determination of proposals by the local education authority or adjudicator

        6. 32.(1) Where any proposals have been referred to the adjudicator...

        7. 33.Referral to adjudicator post determination

        8. 34.Provision for notification of decisions

        9. 35.Related Proposals

        10. 36.Determination of proposals where the school is transferring to a different local education authority

        11. 37.Transitional exemption orders under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975

        12. 38.Conditional approvals

        13. 39.Withdrawal of proposals

        14. 40.Duty to implement proposals

        15. 41.Revocation of proposals (after approval)

        16. 42.Modification post determination

        17. 43.Proposals not falling to be implemented

    6. SCHEDULE 6


      1. 1.Where any land is transferred to and vests in any...

      2. 2.Rules relating to transfer

      3. 3.(1) This paragraph applies where any proposals that a community...

      4. 4.(1) This paragraph applies where any proposals that a community...

      5. 5.(1) This paragraph applies where any proposals that a voluntary...

      6. 6.(1) This paragraph applies where any proposals that a voluntary...

      7. 7.(1) This paragraph applies where any proposals that a community...

      8. 8.Outstanding transfers

      9. 9.Transfers of right to use land

      10. 10.Land excluded from transfers

      11. 11.Restrictions on disposal of land when proposals are pending

      12. 12.(1) During any period when the procedure for becoming a...

      13. 13.(1) During any period when the procedure for becoming a...

      14. 14.Provision of information

      15. 15.Division and apportionment of property

      16. 16.Identification of property, rights and liabilities

      17. 17.Resolution of disputes

      18. 18.Right to production of documents of title

      19. 19.Proof of title by certificate

      20. 20.Construction of agreements

      21. 21.(1) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 20 ,...

      22. 22.Third parties affected by vesting provisions

      23. 23.In this Schedule— “relevant purposes” means— in relation to a...

    7. SCHEDULE 7


  12. Explanatory Note