
PART 3Action Plan

Payments under an action plan and purposes for which they may be used

7.—(1) Subject to paragraph (3), an action plan published by a local authority and chief officer of police in accordance with section 16(4) of the 2006 Act with a view to making the designation of an alcohol disorder zone unnecessary may include provision for a scheme of payments to be made to the local authority by persons who at the time the action plan is published are, whether for all or part of the duration of the action plan, licence holders in the locality it is proposed will be so designated.

(2) Any such payments shall be used for the provision by the local authority, the chief officer of police or the British Transport Police of non-baseline services in respect of the locality to which the action plan relates for the purpose of reducing nuisance or annoyance to members of the public or disorder in or near that locality which is associated with the consumption of alcohol in that locality or the consumption of alcohol that is supplied at premises in that locality.