
PART 3Chair of the General Council

Appointment, term of office and cessation of office of the chair

8.—(1) The Privy Council shall, as one of its functions relating to the appointment of members of the General Council, appoint the chair of the General Council.

(2) The Privy Council may appoint a person to be chair of the General Council—

(a)when it appoints that person to be a member of the General Council; or

(b)whom it has already appointed as a member of the General Council.

(3) The term of office of a member of the General Council as chair shall be determined by the Privy Council on appointment of the member as chair, but it shall be for a period that is no longer than the period between the chair’s date of appointment as chair and the date on which the chair’s term of office as a member is due to expire (irrespective of whether or not they are thereafter reappointed as a member).

(4) A member serving as chair shall cease to be chair—

(a)on ceasing to be a member;

(b)if the member resigns as chair, which the member may do at any time by a notice in writing to the Privy Council;

(c)if the member’s membership of the General Council is suspended by the Privy Council; or

(d)if a majority of the General Council, excluding the chair (but not simply a majority at a quorate meeting) passes a vote of no confidence in the chair.

Deputising arrangements in respect of the chair

9.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), if, for any reason, the chair is absent from a meeting of the General Council, the members who are present at that meeting shall nominate one of their number to serve as chair at that meeting.

(2) If, for any reason—

(a)the General Council is on notice that their chair is likely—

(i)to be absent for more than one meeting of the General Council, or

(ii)to be unavailable to perform the duties of a chair for more than one month; or

(b)the office of chair is vacant,

the General Council may nominate a member (“deputy chair”) to serve as chair during the absence or unavailability of the chair or the vacancy.

(3) A member serving as deputy chair shall cease to be deputy chair—

(a)in the case of—

(i)the absence or unavailability of the chair, on the date which the chair notifies the General Council in writing is the date on which they are able to resume their duties, or

(ii)the office of chair being vacant, once the vacancy is filled;

(b)if the member ceases to be a member;

(c)if the member resigns as deputy chair, which the member may do at any time by a notice in writing to the General Council;

(d)if the member’s membership of the General Council is provisionally suspended by the General Council or suspended by the Privy Council; or

(e)if the General Council votes (by a majority at a quorate meeting) to terminate the member’s appointment as deputy chair.