Chwilio Deddfwriaeth

The Companies (Model Articles) Regulations 2008


Dyma’r fersiwn wreiddiol (fel y’i gwnaed yn wreiddiol).



Powers to issue different classes of share

43.—(1) Subject to the articles, but without prejudice to the rights attached to any existing share, the company may issue shares with such rights or restrictions as may be determined by ordinary resolution.

(2) The company may issue shares which are to be redeemed, or are liable to be redeemed at the option of the company or the holder, and the directors may determine the terms, conditions and manner of redemption of any such shares.

Payment of commissions on subscription for shares

44.—(1) The company may pay any person a commission in consideration for that person—

(a)subscribing, or agreeing to subscribe, for shares, or

(b)procuring, or agreeing to procure, subscriptions for shares.

(2) Any such commission may be paid—

(a)in cash, or in fully paid or partly paid shares or other securities, or partly in one way and partly in the other, and

(b)in respect of a conditional or an absolute subscription.


Company not bound by less than absolute interests

45.  Except as required by law, no person is to be recognised by the company as holding any share upon any trust, and except as otherwise required by law or the articles, the company is not in any way to be bound by or recognise any interest in a share other than the holder’s absolute ownership of it and all the rights attaching to it.


Certificates to be issued except in certain cases

46.—(1) The company must issue each member with one or more certificates in respect of the shares which that member holds.

(2) This article does not apply to—

(a)uncertificated shares;

(b)shares in respect of which a share warrant has been issued; or

(c)shares in respect of which the Companies Acts permit the company not to issue a certificate.

(3) Except as otherwise specified in the articles, all certificates must be issued free of charge.

(4) No certificate may be issued in respect of shares of more than one class.

(5) If more than one person holds a share, only one certificate may be issued in respect of it.

Contents and execution of share certificates

47.—(1) Every certificate must specify—

(a)in respect of how many shares, of what class, it is issued;

(b)the nominal value of those shares;

(c)the amount paid up on them; and

(d)any distinguishing numbers assigned to them.

(2) Certificates must—

(a)have affixed to them the company’s common seal or an official seal which is a facsimile of the company’s common seal with the addition on its face of the word “Securities” (a “securities seal”), or

(b)be otherwise executed in accordance with the Companies Acts.

Consolidated share certificates

48.—(1) When a member’s holding of shares of a particular class increases, the company may issue that member with—

(a)a single, consolidated certificate in respect of all the shares of a particular class which that member holds, or

(b)a separate certificate in respect of only those shares by which that member’s holding has increased.

(2) When a member’s holding of shares of a particular class is reduced, the company must ensure that the member is issued with one or more certificates in respect of the number of shares held by the member after that reduction. But the company need not (in the absence of a request from the member) issue any new certificate if—

(a)all the shares which the member no longer holds as a result of the reduction, and

(b)none of the shares which the member retains following the reduction,

were, immediately before the reduction, represented by the same certificate.

(3) A member may request the company, in writing, to replace—

(a)the member’s separate certificates with a consolidated certificate, or

(b)the member’s consolidated certificate with two or more separate certificates representing such proportion of the shares as the member may specify.

(4) When the company complies with such a request it may charge such reasonable fee as the directors may decide for doing so.

(5) A consolidated certificate must not be issued unless any certificates which it is to replace have first been returned to the company for cancellation.

Replacement share certificates

49.—(1) If a certificate issued in respect of a member’s shares is—

(a)damaged or defaced, or

(b)said to be lost, stolen or destroyed,

that member is entitled to be issued with a replacement certificate in respect of the same shares.

(2) A member exercising the right to be issued with such a replacement certificate—

(a)may at the same time exercise the right to be issued with a single certificate or separate certificates;

(b)must return the certificate which is to be replaced to the company if it is damaged or defaced; and

(c)must comply with such conditions as to evidence, indemnity and the payment of a reasonable fee as the directors decide.


Uncertificated shares

50.—(1) In this article, “the relevant rules” means—

(a)any applicable provision of the Companies Acts about the holding, evidencing of title to, or transfer of shares other than in certificated form, and

(b)any applicable legislation, rules or other arrangements made under or by virtue of such provision.

(2) The provisions of this article have effect subject to the relevant rules.

(3) Any provision of the articles which is inconsistent with the relevant rules must be disregarded, to the extent that it is inconsistent, whenever the relevant rules apply.

(4) Any share or class of shares of the company may be issued or held on such terms, or in such a way, that—

(a)title to it or them is not, or must not be, evidenced by a certificate, or

(b)it or they may or must be transferred wholly or partly without a certificate.

(5) The directors have power to take such steps as they think fit in relation to—

(a)the evidencing of and transfer of title to uncertificated shares (including in connection with the issue of such shares);

(b)any records relating to the holding of uncertificated shares;

(c)the conversion of certificated shares into uncertificated shares; or

(d)the conversion of uncertificated shares into certificated shares.

(6) The company may by notice to the holder of a share require that share—

(a)if it is uncertificated, to be converted into certificated form, and

(b)if it is certificated, to be converted into uncertificated form,

to enable it to be dealt with in accordance with the articles.

(7) If—

(a)the articles give the directors power to take action, or require other persons to take action, in order to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of shares, and

(b)uncertificated shares are subject to that power, but the power is expressed in terms which assume the use of a certificate or other written instrument,

the directors may take such action as is necessary or expedient to achieve the same results when exercising that power in relation to uncertificated shares.

(8) In particular, the directors may take such action as they consider appropriate to achieve the sale, transfer, disposal, forfeiture, re-allotment or surrender of an uncertificated share or otherwise to enforce a lien in respect of it.

(9) Unless the directors otherwise determine, shares which a member holds in uncertificated form must be treated as separate holdings from any shares which that member holds in certificated form.

(10) A class of shares must not be treated as two classes simply because some shares of that class are held in certificated form and others are held in uncertificated form.

Share warrants

51.—(1) The directors may issue a share warrant in respect of any fully paid share.

(2) Share warrants must be—

(a)issued in such form, and

(b)executed in such manner,

as the directors decide.

(3) A share represented by a share warrant may be transferred by delivery of the warrant representing it.

(4) The directors may make provision for the payment of dividends in respect of any share represented by a share warrant.

(5) Subject to the articles, the directors may decide the conditions on which any share warrant is issued. In particular, they may—

(a)decide the conditions on which new warrants are to be issued in place of warrants which are damaged or defaced, or said to have been lost, stolen or destroyed;

(b)decide the conditions on which bearers of warrants are entitled to attend and vote at general meetings;

(c)decide the conditions subject to which bearers of warrants may surrender their warrant so as to hold their shares in certificated or uncertificated form instead; and

(d)vary the conditions of issue of any warrant from time to time,

and the bearer of a warrant is subject to the conditions and procedures in force in relation to it, whether or not they were decided or specified before the warrant was issued.

(6) Subject to the conditions on which the warrants are issued from time to time, bearers of share warrants have the same rights and privileges as they would if their names had been included in the register as holders of the shares represented by their warrants.

(7) The company must not in any way be bound by or recognise any interest in a share represented by a share warrant other than the absolute right of the bearer of that warrant to that warrant.


Company’s lien over partly paid shares

52.—(1) The company has a lien (“the company’s lien”) over every share which is partly paid for any part of—

(a)that share’s nominal value, and

(b)any premium at which it was issued,

which has not been paid to the company, and which is payable immediately or at some time in the future, whether or not a call notice has been sent in respect of it.

(2) The company’s lien over a share—

(a)takes priority over any third party’s interest in that share, and

(b)extends to any dividend or other money payable by the company in respect of that share and (if the lien is enforced and the share is sold by the company) the proceeds of sale of that share.

(3) The directors may at any time decide that a share which is or would otherwise be subject to the company’s lien shall not be subject to it, either wholly or in part.

Enforcement of the company’s lien

53.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this article, if—

(a)a lien enforcement notice has been given in respect of a share, and

(b)the person to whom the notice was given has failed to comply with it,

the company may sell that share in such manner as the directors decide.

(2) A lien enforcement notice—

(a)may only be given in respect of a share which is subject to the company’s lien, in respect of which a sum is payable and the due date for payment of that sum has passed;

(b)must specify the share concerned;

(c)must require payment of the sum payable within 14 days of the notice;

(d)must be addressed either to the holder of the share or to a person entitled to it by reason of the holder’s death, bankruptcy or otherwise; and

(e)must state the company’s intention to sell the share if the notice is not complied with.

(3) Where shares are sold under this article—

(a)the directors may authorise any person to execute an instrument of transfer of the shares to the purchaser or a person nominated by the purchaser, and

(b)the transferee is not bound to see to the application of the consideration, and the transferee’s title is not affected by any irregularity in or invalidity of the process leading to the sale.

(4) The net proceeds of any such sale (after payment of the costs of sale and any other costs of enforcing the lien) must be applied—

(a)first, in payment of so much of the sum for which the lien exists as was payable at the date of the lien enforcement notice,

(b)second, to the person entitled to the shares at the date of the sale, but only after the certificate for the shares sold has been surrendered to the company for cancellation or a suitable indemnity has been given for any lost certificates, and subject to a lien equivalent to the company’s lien over the shares before the sale for any money payable in respect of the shares after the date of the lien enforcement notice.

(5) A statutory declaration by a director or the company secretary that the declarant is a director or the company secretary and that a share has been sold to satisfy the company’s lien on a specified date—

(a)is conclusive evidence of the facts stated in it as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the share, and

(b)subject to compliance with any other formalities of transfer required by the articles or by law, constitutes a good title to the share.

Call notices

54.—(1) Subject to the articles and the terms on which shares are allotted, the directors may send a notice (a “call notice”) to a member requiring the member to pay the company a specified sum of money (a “call”) which is payable in respect of shares which that member holds at the date when the directors decide to send the call notice.

(2) A call notice—

(a)may not require a member to pay a call which exceeds the total sum unpaid on that member’s shares (whether as to the share’s nominal value or any amount payable to the company by way of premium);

(b)must state when and how any call to which it relates it is to be paid; and

(c)may permit or require the call to be paid by instalments.

(3) A member must comply with the requirements of a call notice, but no member is obliged to pay any call before 14 days have passed since the notice was sent.

(4) Before the company has received any call due under a call notice the directors may—

(a)revoke it wholly or in part, or

(b)specify a later time for payment than is specified in the notice,

by a further notice in writing to the member in respect of whose shares the call is made.

Liability to pay calls

55.—(1) Liability to pay a call is not extinguished or transferred by transferring the shares in respect of which it is required to be paid.

(2) Joint holders of a share are jointly and severally liable to pay all calls in respect of that share.

(3) Subject to the terms on which shares are allotted, the directors may, when issuing shares, provide that call notices sent to the holders of those shares may require them—

(a)to pay calls which are not the same, or

(b)to pay calls at different times.

When call notice need not be issued

56.—(1) A call notice need not be issued in respect of sums which are specified, in the terms on which a share is issued, as being payable to the company in respect of that share (whether in respect of nominal value or premium)—

(a)on allotment;

(b)on the occurrence of a particular event; or

(c)on a date fixed by or in accordance with the terms of issue.

(2) But if the due date for payment of such a sum has passed and it has not been paid, the holder of the share concerned is treated in all respects as having failed to comply with a call notice in respect of that sum, and is liable to the same consequences as regards the payment of interest and forfeiture.

Failure to comply with call notice: automatic consequences

57.—(1) If a person is liable to pay a call and fails to do so by the call payment date—

(a)the directors may issue a notice of intended forfeiture to that person, and

(b)until the call is paid, that person must pay the company interest on the call from the call payment date at the relevant rate.

(2) For the purposes of this article—

(a)the “call payment date” is the time when the call notice states that a call is payable, unless the directors give a notice specifying a later date, in which case the “call payment date” is that later date;

(b)the “relevant rate” is—

(i)the rate fixed by the terms on which the share in respect of which the call is due was allotted;

(ii)such other rate as was fixed in the call notice which required payment of the call, or has otherwise been determined by the directors; or

(iii)if no rate is fixed in either of these ways, 5 per cent per annum.

(3) The relevant rate must not exceed by more than 5 percentage points the base lending rate most recently set by the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England in connection with its responsibilities under Part 2 of the Bank of England Act 1998(1).

(4) The directors may waive any obligation to pay interest on a call wholly or in part.

Notice of intended forfeiture

58.  A notice of intended forfeiture—

(a)may be sent in respect of any share in respect of which a call has not been paid as required by a call notice;

(b)must be sent to the holder of that share or to a person entitled to it by reason of the holder’s death, bankruptcy or otherwise;

(c)must require payment of the call and any accrued interest by a date which is not less than 14 days after the date of the notice;

(d)must state how the payment is to be made; and

(e)must state that if the notice is not complied with, the shares in respect of which the call is payable will be liable to be forfeited.

Directors’ power to forfeit shares

59.  If a notice of intended forfeiture is not complied with before the date by which payment of the call is required in the notice of intended forfeiture, the directors may decide that any share in respect of which it was given is forfeited, and the forfeiture is to include all dividends or other moneys payable in respect of the forfeited shares and not paid before the forfeiture.

Effect of forfeiture

60.—(1) Subject to the articles, the forfeiture of a share extinguishes—

(a)all interests in that share, and all claims and demands against the company in respect of it, and

(b)all other rights and liabilities incidental to the share as between the person whose share it was prior to the forfeiture and the company.

(2) Any share which is forfeited in accordance with the articles—

(a)is deemed to have been forfeited when the directors decide that it is forfeited;

(b)is deemed to be the property of the company; and

(c)may be sold, re-allotted or otherwise disposed of as the directors think fit.

(3) If a person’s shares have been forfeited—

(a)the company must send that person notice that forfeiture has occurred and record it in the register of members;

(b)that person ceases to be a member in respect of those shares;

(c)that person must surrender the certificate for the shares forfeited to the company for cancellation;

(d)that person remains liable to the company for all sums payable by that person under the articles at the date of forfeiture in respect of those shares, including any interest (whether accrued before or after the date of forfeiture); and

(e)the directors may waive payment of such sums wholly or in part or enforce payment without any allowance for the value of the shares at the time of forfeiture or for any consideration received on their disposal.

(4) At any time before the company disposes of a forfeited share, the directors may decide to cancel the forfeiture on payment of all calls and interest due in respect of it and on such other terms as they think fit.

Procedure following forfeiture

61.—(1) If a forfeited share is to be disposed of by being transferred, the company may receive the consideration for the transfer and the directors may authorise any person to execute the instrument of transfer.

(2) A statutory declaration by a director or the company secretary that the declarant is a director or the company secretary and that a share has been forfeited on a specified date—

(a)is conclusive evidence of the facts stated in it as against all persons claiming to be entitled to the share, and

(b)subject to compliance with any other formalities of transfer required by the articles or by law, constitutes a good title to the share.

(3) A person to whom a forfeited share is transferred is not bound to see to the application of the consideration (if any) nor is that person’s title to the share affected by any irregularity in or invalidity of the process leading to the forfeiture or transfer of the share.

(4) If the company sells a forfeited share, the person who held it prior to its forfeiture is entitled to receive from the company the proceeds of such sale, net of any commission, and excluding any amount which—

(a)was, or would have become, payable, and

(b)had not, when that share was forfeited, been paid by that person in respect of that share,

but no interest is payable to such a person in respect of such proceeds and the company is not required to account for any money earned on them.

Surrender of shares

62.—(1) A member may surrender any share—

(a)in respect of which the directors may issue a notice of intended forfeiture;

(b)which the directors may forfeit; or

(c)which has been forfeited.

(2) The directors may accept the surrender of any such share.

(3) The effect of surrender on a share is the same as the effect of forfeiture on that share.

(4) A share which has been surrendered may be dealt with in the same way as a share which has been forfeited.


Transfers of certificated shares

63.—(1) Certificated shares may be transferred by means of an instrument of transfer in any usual form or any other form approved by the directors, which is executed by or on behalf of—

(a)the transferor, and

(b)(if any of the shares is partly paid) the transferee.

(2) No fee may be charged for registering any instrument of transfer or other document relating to or affecting the title to any share.

(3) The company may retain any instrument of transfer which is registered.

(4) The transferor remains the holder of a certificated share until the transferee’s name is entered in the register of members as holder of it.

(5) The directors may refuse to register the transfer of a certificated share if—

(a)the share is not fully paid;

(b)the transfer is not lodged at the company’s registered office or such other place as the directors have appointed;

(c)the transfer is not accompanied by the certificate for the shares to which it relates, or such other evidence as the directors may reasonably require to show the transferor’s right to make the transfer, or evidence of the right of someone other than the transferor to make the transfer on the transferor’s behalf;

(d)the transfer is in respect of more than one class of share; or

(e)the transfer is in favour of more than four transferees.

(6) If the directors refuse to register the transfer of a share, the instrument of transfer must be returned to the transferee with the notice of refusal unless they suspect that the proposed transfer may be fraudulent.

Transfer of uncertificated shares

64.  A transfer of an uncertificated share must not be registered if it is in favour of more than four transferees.

Transmission of shares

65.—(1) If title to a share passes to a transmittee, the company may only recognise the transmittee as having any title to that share.

(2) Nothing in these articles releases the estate of a deceased member from any liability in respect of a share solely or jointly held by that member.

Transmittees’ rights

66.—(1) A transmittee who produces such evidence of entitlement to shares as the directors may properly require—

(a)may, subject to the articles, choose either to become the holder of those shares or to have them transferred to another person, and

(b)subject to the articles, and pending any transfer of the shares to another person, has the same rights as the holder had.

(2) But transmittees do not have the right to attend or vote at a general meeting in respect of shares to which they are entitled, by reason of the holder’s death or bankruptcy or otherwise, unless they become the holders of those shares

Exercise of transmittees’ rights

67.—(1) Transmittees who wish to become the holders of shares to which they have become entitled must notify the company in writing of that wish.

(2) If the share is a certificated share and a transmittee wishes to have it transferred to another person, the transmittee must execute an instrument of transfer in respect of it.

(3) If the share is an uncertificated share and the transmittee wishes to have it transferred to another person, the transmittee must—

(a)procure that all appropriate instructions are given to effect the transfer, or

(b)procure that the uncertificated share is changed into certificated form and then execute an instrument of transfer in respect of it.

(4) Any transfer made or executed under this article is to be treated as if it were made or executed by the person from whom the transmittee has derived rights in respect of the share, and as if the event which gave rise to the transmission had not occurred.

Transmittees bound by prior notices

68.  If a notice is given to a member in respect of shares and a transmittee is entitled to those shares, the transmittee is bound by the notice if it was given to the member before the transmittee’s name has been entered in the register of members.


Procedure for disposing of fractions of shares

69.—(1) This article applies where—

(a)there has been a consolidation or division of shares, and

(b)as a result, members are entitled to fractions of shares.

(2) The directors may—

(a)sell the shares representing the fractions to any person including the company for the best price reasonably obtainable;

(b)in the case of a certificated share, authorise any person to execute an instrument of transfer of the shares to the purchaser or a person nominated by the purchaser; and

(c)distribute the net proceeds of sale in due proportion among the holders of the shares.

(3) Where any holder’s entitlement to a portion of the proceeds of sale amounts to less than a minimum figure determined by the directors, that member’s portion may be distributed to an organisation which is a charity for the purposes of the law of England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

(4) The person to whom the shares are transferred is not obliged to ensure that any purchase money is received by the person entitled to the relevant fractions.

(5) The transferee’s title to the shares is not affected by any irregularity in or invalidity of the process leading to their sale.


Procedure for declaring dividends

70.—(1) The company may by ordinary resolution declare dividends, and the directors may decide to pay interim dividends.

(2) A dividend must not be declared unless the directors have made a recommendation as to its amount. Such a dividend must not exceed the amount recommended by the directors.

(3) No dividend may be declared or paid unless it is in accordance with members’ respective rights.

(4) Unless the members’ resolution to declare or directors’ decision to pay a dividend, or the terms on which shares are issued, specify otherwise, it must be paid by reference to each member’s holding of shares on the date of the resolution or decision to declare or pay it.

(5) If the company’s share capital is divided into different classes, no interim dividend may be paid on shares carrying deferred or non-preferred rights if, at the time of payment, any preferential dividend is in arrear.

(6) The directors may pay at intervals any dividend payable at a fixed rate if it appears to them that the profits available for distribution justify the payment.

(7) If the directors act in good faith, they do not incur any liability to the holders of shares conferring preferred rights for any loss they may suffer by the lawful payment of an interim dividend on shares with deferred or non-preferred rights.

Calculation of dividends

71.—(1) Except as otherwise provided by the articles or the rights attached to shares, all dividends must be—

(a)declared and paid according to the amounts paid up on the shares on which the dividend is paid, and

(b)apportioned and paid proportionately to the amounts paid up on the shares during any portion or portions of the period in respect of which the dividend is paid.

(2) If any share is issued on terms providing that it ranks for dividend as from a particular date, that share ranks for dividend accordingly.

(3) For the purposes of calculating dividends, no account is to be taken of any amount which has been paid up on a share in advance of the due date for payment of that amount.

Payment of dividends and other distributions

72.—(1) Where a dividend or other sum which is a distribution is payable in respect of a share, it must be paid by one or more of the following means—

(a)transfer to a bank or building society account specified by the distribution recipient either in writing or as the directors may otherwise decide;

(b)sending a cheque made payable to the distribution recipient by post to the distribution recipient at the distribution recipient’s registered address (if the distribution recipient is a holder of the share), or (in any other case) to an address specified by the distribution recipient either in writing or as the directors may otherwise decide;

(c)sending a cheque made payable to such person by post to such person at such address as the distribution recipient has specified either in writing or as the directors may otherwise decide; or

(d)any other means of payment as the directors agree with the distribution recipient either in writing or by such other means as the directors decide.

(2) In the articles, “the distribution recipient” means, in respect of a share in respect of which a dividend or other sum is payable—

(a)the holder of the share; or

(b)if the share has two or more joint holders, whichever of them is named first in the register of members; or

(c)if the holder is no longer entitled to the share by reason of death or bankruptcy, or otherwise by operation of law, the transmittee.

Deductions from distributions in respect of sums owed to the company

73.—(1) If—

(a)a share is subject to the company’s lien, and

(b)the directors are entitled to issue a lien enforcement notice in respect of it,

they may, instead of issuing a lien enforcement notice, deduct from any dividend or other sum payable in respect of the share any sum of money which is payable to the company in respect of that share to the extent that they are entitled to require payment under a lien enforcement notice.

(2) Money so deducted must be used to pay any of the sums payable in respect of that share.

(3) The company must notify the distribution recipient in writing of—

(a)the fact and amount of any such deduction;

(b)any non-payment of a dividend or other sum payable in respect of a share resulting from any such deduction; and

(c)how the money deducted has been applied.

No interest on distributions

74.  The company may not pay interest on any dividend or other sum payable in respect of a share unless otherwise provided by—

(a)the terms on which the share was issued, or

(b)the provisions of another agreement between the holder of that share and the company.

Unclaimed distributions

75.—(1) All dividends or other sums which are—

(a)payable in respect of shares, and

(b)unclaimed after having been declared or become payable,

may be invested or otherwise made use of by the directors for the benefit of the company until claimed.

(2) The payment of any such dividend or other sum into a separate account does not make the company a trustee in respect of it.

(3) If—

(a)twelve years have passed from the date on which a dividend or other sum became due for payment, and

(b)the distribution recipient has not claimed it,

the distribution recipient is no longer entitled to that dividend or other sum and it ceases to remain owing by the company.

Non-cash distributions

76.—(1) Subject to the terms of issue of the share in question, the company may, by ordinary resolution on the recommendation of the directors, decide to pay all or part of a dividend or other distribution payable in respect of a share by transferring non-cash assets of equivalent value (including, without limitation, shares or other securities in any company).

(2) If the shares in respect of which such a non-cash distribution is paid are uncertificated, any shares in the company which are issued as a non-cash distribution in respect of them must be uncertificated.

(3) For the purposes of paying a non-cash distribution, the directors may make whatever arrangements they think fit, including, where any difficulty arises regarding the distribution—

(a)fixing the value of any assets;

(b)paying cash to any distribution recipient on the basis of that value in order to adjust the rights of recipients; and

(c)vesting any assets in trustees.

Waiver of distributions

77.  Distribution recipients may waive their entitlement to a dividend or other distribution payable in respect of a share by giving the company notice in writing to that effect, but if—

(a)the share has more than one holder, or

(b)more than one person is entitled to the share, whether by reason of the death or bankruptcy of one or more joint holders, or otherwise,

the notice is not effective unless it is expressed to be given, and signed, by all the holders or persons otherwise entitled to the share.


Authority to capitalise and appropriation of capitalised sums

78.—(1) Subject to the articles, the directors may, if they are so authorised by an ordinary resolution—

(a)decide to capitalise any profits of the company (whether or not they are available for distribution) which are not required for paying a preferential dividend, or any sum standing to the credit of the company’s share premium account or capital redemption reserve; and

(b)appropriate any sum which they so decide to capitalise (a “capitalised sum”) to the persons who would have been entitled to it if it were distributed by way of dividend (the “persons entitled”) and in the same proportions.

(2) Capitalised sums must be applied—

(a)on behalf of the persons entitled, and

(b)in the same proportions as a dividend would have been distributed to them.

(3) Any capitalised sum may be applied in paying up new shares of a nominal amount equal to the capitalised sum which are then allotted credited as fully paid to the persons entitled or as they may direct.

(4) A capitalised sum which was appropriated from profits available for distribution may be applied—

(a)in or towards paying up any amounts unpaid on existing shares held by the persons entitled, or

(b)in paying up new debentures of the company which are then allotted credited as fully paid to the persons entitled or as they may direct.

(5) Subject to the articles the directors may—

(a)apply capitalised sums in accordance with paragraphs (3) and (4) partly in one way and partly in another;

(b)make such arrangements as they think fit to deal with shares or debentures becoming distributable in fractions under this article (including the issuing of fractional certificates or the making of cash payments); and

(c)authorise any person to enter into an agreement with the company on behalf of all the persons entitled which is binding on them in respect of the allotment of shares and debentures to them under this article.

Yn ôl i’r brig


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Mae deddfwriaeth ar gael mewn fersiynau gwahanol:

Y Diweddaraf sydd Ar Gael (diwygiedig):Y fersiwn ddiweddaraf sydd ar gael o’r ddeddfwriaeth yn cynnwys newidiadau a wnaed gan ddeddfwriaeth ddilynol ac wedi eu gweithredu gan ein tîm golygyddol. Gellir gweld y newidiadau nad ydym wedi eu gweithredu i’r testun eto yn yr ardal ‘Newidiadau i Ddeddfwriaeth’.

Gwreiddiol (Fel y’i Deddfwyd neu y’i Gwnaed): Mae'r wreiddiol fersiwn y ddeddfwriaeth fel ag yr oedd pan gafodd ei deddfu neu eu gwneud. Ni wnaed unrhyw newidiadau i’r testun.


Dewisiadau Agor

Dewisiadau gwahanol i agor deddfwriaeth er mwyn gweld rhagor o gynnwys ar y sgrin ar yr un pryd


Memorandwm Esboniadol

Mae Memoranda Esboniadol yn nodi datganiad byr o ddiben Offeryn Statudol ac yn rhoi gwybodaeth am ei amcan polisi a goblygiadau polisi. Maent yn ceisio gwneud yr Offeryn Statudol yn hygyrch i ddarllenwyr nad oes ganddynt gymhwyster cyfreithiol, ac maent yn cyd-fynd ag unrhyw Offeryn Statudol neu Offeryn Statudol Drafft a gyflwynwyd ger bron y Senedd o Fehefin 2004 ymlaen.


Rhagor o Adnoddau

Gallwch wneud defnydd o ddogfennau atodol hanfodol a gwybodaeth ar gyfer yr eitem ddeddfwriaeth o’r tab hwn. Yn ddibynnol ar yr eitem ddeddfwriaeth sydd i’w gweld, gallai hyn gynnwys:

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Rhagor o Adnoddau

Defnyddiwch y ddewislen hon i agor dogfennau hanfodol sy’n cyd-fynd â’r ddeddfwriaeth a gwybodaeth am yr eitem hon o ddeddfwriaeth. Gan ddibynnu ar yr eitem o ddeddfwriaeth sy’n cael ei gweld gall hyn gynnwys:

  • y PDF print gwreiddiol y fel gwnaed fersiwn a ddefnyddiwyd am y copi print
  • slipiau cywiro

liciwch ‘Gweld Mwy’ neu ddewis ‘Rhagor o Adnoddau’ am wybodaeth ychwanegol gan gynnwys

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