The Beef and Pig Carcase Classification (England) Regulations 2010

Regulation 2

SCHEDULE 1European provisions: bovine carcases


(1) Regulation containing European provision(2) Provision(3) Subject matter

Council Regulation

Annex V, point A(II), together with Article 2(3) and (4) and 6(6) of the Commission Regulation

Requirement to indicate the category of carcase as specified in these provisions

Annex V, point A(III), together with Article 3 of, and Annex I to, the Commission Regulation

Requirement to indicate, in relation to a carcase, the class of conformation and fat cover, as specified in these provisions

Annex V, point A(IV)

Requirement to present carcases in the specified manner

Annex V, point A(V), first sub-paragraph

Requirement for approved slaughterhouses to classify carcases in accordance with the Community scale

Commission Regulation

Article 6(1)

Requirement as to the place of classification and identification

Article 6(2)

Requirements as to the time of classification, identification and weighing

Article 7(1) and (2) and the first sub-paragraph of Article 7(3)

Requirements as to the prescribed communication

Article 9(4)

Prohibition on modifications of the technical specifications of licensed automatic grading techniques without approval of the Secretary of State

Article 10

Requirements as to classification by automated grading techniques

Article 13(2) and (5) and Annex III

Requirements concerning weighing of the carcase and adjustments to the weight

Article 13(3)

Requirement to present carcase in specified manner, for the purpose of establishing market prices

Article 15

Requirements as to recording of prices

Article 16(1), (2) and (3)

Requirements as to reporting of prices


(1) Regulation containing European provision(2) Provision(3) Subject matter

Commission Regulation

Article 6(3)

Requirements as to marking of carcases to indicate the category and class of conformation and fat cover

Article 6(4)

Requirements in relation to labelling of a carcase

Article 6(5)

Prohibition on removal of marks and labels before boning

Regulation 2

SCHEDULE 2European provisions: pig carcases

(1) Regulation containing European provision(2) Provision(3) Subject matter
Council RegulationAnnex V, point B(II)Requirement to classify carcases into one of the specified classes
Annex V, point B(III), as modified by Articles 3 and 4 of Commission Decision 2004/370/EC authorising methods for grading pig carcases in the United Kingdom(1)Requirement to present carcases in a manner specified in these provisions

Annex V, point B(IV), sub-paragraph 1, together with Article 1 of, and Annex I to, Commission Decision 2004/370/EC

Requirement to grade carcases by methods authorised by the Commission

Commission Regulation

Article 21(1)

Requirement as to timing of classification of carcases

Article 21(3)

Requirements as to marking or labelling of carcases

Article 21(4)

Requirements as to identifying a carcase and keeping a record in respect of it

Article 21(5)

Prohibition on removing fat, muscle or other tissue before weighing, grading and marking

Article 22(1) and (2)

Requirements as to weighing of carcase and weight adjustments

Article 23(1), (2) and Annex IV

Requirements concerning assessment of lean-meat content of carcases

Regulation 12

SCHEDULE 3Records: bovine carcases

1.  The results of the classification.

2.  The approval number of the slaughterhouse.

3.  The kill or slaughter number of the animal from which the carcase was obtained, as allocated by the operator.

4.  The date of slaughter.

5.  The weight of the carcase.

6.  The dressing specification used.

7.  A record that the prescribed communication has been effected.

8.  The name, signature and classification licence serial number of the person who carried out the classification.

Regulation 16

SCHEDULE 4Records: pig carcases

1.  The results of the classification.

2.  The approval number of the slaughterhouse.

3.  The kill or slaughter number of the animal from which the carcase was obtained, as allocated by the operator.

4.  The date of slaughter.

5.  The warm weight of the carcase, together with a note of—

(a)any adjustment made for the cold carcase weight, and

(b)any coefficient applied.

6.  The lean meat percentage of the carcase.

7.  An indication as to whether the tongue, flare fat, kidneys and diaphragm were attached or removed.

8.  The name and signature of the person who carried out the classification.


OJ No L 116, 22.4.2004, p 32, to which there are amendments not relevant to these Regulations.