The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Community Infrastructure Levy

  3. PART 2

    1. 4.Meaning of “owner” and “material interest”

    2. 5.Meaning of “planning permission”

    3. 6.Meaning of “development”

    4. 7.Commencement of development

    5. 8.Time at which planning permission first permits development

    6. 9.Meaning of “chargeable development”

    7. 10.Meaning of “collecting authority”

  4. PART 3

    1. 11.Interpretation and application of Part 3

    2. 12.Format and content of charging schedules

    3. 13.Differential rates

    4. 14.Setting rates

    5. 15.Consultation on a preliminary draft charging schedule

    6. 16.Publication of a draft charging schedule

    7. 17.Representations relating to a draft charging schedule

    8. 18.Withdrawal of a draft charging schedule

    9. 19.Submission of documents and information to the examiner

    10. 20.Consideration of representations by examiner

    11. 21.CIL examination: right to be heard

    12. 22.Joint examinations

    13. 23.Publication of the examiner’s recommendations

    14. 24.Correction of errors in examiner’s recommendations

    15. 25.Approval and publication of a charging schedule

    16. 26.Correction of errors in a charging schedule

    17. 27.Effect of correction of a charging schedule

    18. 28.Charging schedule: effect

    19. 29.Payment of fees and expenses of independent persons

    20. 30.Recovery of costs incurred by the Secretary of State

  5. PART 4

    1. 31.Assumption of liability

    2. 32.Transfer of assumed liability

    3. 33.Default liability

    4. 34.Apportionment of liability

    5. 35.Apportionment of liability: information notice

    6. 36.Default of liability

    7. 37.Joint liability

    8. 38.Interests held on trust

    9. 39.Effect of death on assumed liability

  6. PART 5

    1. 40.Calculation of chargeable amount

  7. PART 6

    1. 41.Interpretation of Part 6

    2. 42.Exemption for minor development

    3. 43.Exemption for charities

    4. 44.Discretionary charitable relief: investment activities

    5. 45.Other discretionary charitable relief

    6. 46.Discretionary charitable relief: notification requirements

    7. 47.Charitable relief: procedure

    8. 48.Withdrawal of charitable relief

    9. 49.Social housing relief

    10. 50.Social housing relief: qualifying amount

    11. 51.Social housing relief: procedure

    12. 52.Social housing relief: disposal of land before occupation

    13. 53.Withdrawal of social housing relief

    14. 54.Social housing relief: information notice

    15. 55.Discretionary relief for exceptional circumstances

    16. 56.Exceptional circumstances: notification requirements

    17. 57.Exceptional circumstances: procedure

    18. 58.Exceptional circumstances: procedure in London

  8. PART 7 CIL

    1. 59.Application to infrastructure

    2. 60.Reimbursement of expenditure incurred and repayment of loans

    3. 61.Administrative expenses

    4. 62.Reporting

    5. 63.Infrastructure: amendment to section 216 of the Planning Act 2008


    1. 64.Notice of chargeable development

    2. 64A.Preparation and service of notice of chargeable development by collecting authority

    3. 65.Liability notice

    4. 66.Local land charges

    5. 67.Commencement notice

    6. 68.Deemed commencement of chargeable development

    7. 69.Demand notice

    8. 69A.Suspension of demand notice

    9. 69B.Instalment policies

    10. 70.Payment periods

    11. 71.Payment in full

    12. 72.Payment: general

    13. 73.Payment in kind

    14. 74.Payment in kind: further provision

    15. 75.Overpayment

    16. 76.Payments to charging authorities

    17. 77.Duty to supply information to collecting authority

    18. 78.Requests for information by collecting authority

    19. 79.Use of information by collecting authority

  10. PART 9

    1. CHAPTER 1

      1. 80.Surcharge for failure to assume liability

      2. 81.Surcharge: apportionment of liability

      3. 82.Surcharge for failure to submit a notice of chargeable development

      4. 83.Surcharge for failure to submit a commencement notice

      5. 84.Surcharge: disqualifying events

      6. 85.Surcharge for late payment

      7. 86.Surcharge for failure to comply with an information notice

      8. 87.Late payment interest

      9. 88.Surcharges and interest: general

    2. CHAPTER 2 CIL

      1. 89.Preliminary steps

      2. 90.Service of CIL stop notice

      3. 91.Withdrawal of a CIL stop notice

      4. 92.Registration of a CIL stop notice

      5. 93.Offence

      6. 94.Injunctions

    3. CHAPTER 3 CIL

      1. 95.Interpretation and application of Chapter 3

      2. 96.Liability orders: reminder notice

      3. 97.Application for liability order

      4. 98.Distress

      5. 99.Appeals in connection with distress

      6. 100.Commitment to prison

      7. 101.Commitment to prison: further provision

      8. 102.Magistrates’ courts

      9. 103.Charging orders

      10. 104.Charging orders: further provision

      11. 105.Insolvency

      12. 106.Recovery in a court of competent jurisdiction

      13. 107.Enforcement of local land charges


      1. 108.Outstanding liabilities on death

      2. 108A.Power to require information

      3. 109.Powers of entry

      4. 110.Offence for supplying false information

      5. 111.Prosecution of CIL offences

  11. PART 10

    1. 112.Interpretation of Part 10

    2. 113.Review of chargeable amount

    3. 114.Chargeable amount: appeal

    4. 115.Apportionment of liability: appeal

    5. 116.Charitable relief: appeal

    6. 117.Surcharge: appeal

    7. 118.Deemed commencement

    8. 119.CIL stop notices

    9. 120.Appeal procedure

    10. 121.Costs

  12. PART 11

    1. 122.Limitation on use of planning obligations

    2. 123.Further limitations on use of planning obligations

  13. PART 12

    1. 124.Payment of CIL by the Crown

    2. 125.Enforcement in relation to the Crown and Parliament

    3. 126.Service of documents: general

    4. 127.Service of documents on the Crown and Parliament

    5. 128.Transitional provision: general

    6. 129.Transitional provision: charging schedule ceases to have effect

  14. Signature

  15. Explanatory Note