
PART 2Administration

Strategies, statements and reports

Pension fund annual report

57.—(1) An administering authority must, in relation to each year beginning on 1st April 2014 and each subsequent year, prepare a document (“the pension fund annual report”) which contains—

(a)a report about the management and financial performance during the year of each of the pension funds maintained by the authority;

(b)a report explaining the authority’s investment policy for each of those funds and reviewing the performance during the year of the investments of each fund;

(c)a report of the arrangements made during the year for the administration of each of those funds;

(d)for each of those funds, a statement by the actuary who carried out the most recent valuation of the assets and liabilities of the fund in accordance with regulation 62 (actuarial valuations of pension funds), of the level of funding disclosed by that valuation;

(e)the current version of the statement under regulation 55 (governance compliance statement);

(f)for each of the funds, the fund account and net asset statement with supporting notes and disclosures prepared in accordance with proper practices;

(g)an annual report dealing with—

(i)the extent to which the authority and the Scheme employers in relation to which it is the administering authority have achieved any levels of performance set out in a pension administration strategy in accordance with regulation 59 (pension administration strategy), and

(ii)such other matters arising from a pension administration strategy as it considers appropriate;

(h)the current version of the statement referred to in regulation 58 (funding strategy statement);

(i)the current version of the statement under regulation 12 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Management and Investment of Funds) Regulations 2009 (statement of investment principles)(1);

(j)the current version of the statement under regulation 61 (statements of policy concerning communications with members and Scheme employers); and

(k)any other material which the authority considers appropriate.

(2) The authority must publish the pension fund annual report on or before 1st December following the Scheme year end.

(3) In preparing and publishing the pension fund annual report, the authority must have regard to guidance given by the Secretary of State.

Funding strategy statement

58.—(1) An administering authority must, after consultation with such persons as it considers appropriate, prepare, maintain and publish a written statement setting out its funding strategy.

(2) The statement must be published no later than 31st March 2015.

(3) The authority must keep the statement under review and, after consultation with such persons as it considers appropriate, make such revisions as are appropriate following a material change in its policy set out in the statement, and if revisions are made, publish the statement as revised.

(4) In preparing, maintaining and reviewing the statement, the administering authority must have regard to—

(a)the guidance set out in the document published in March 2004 by CIPFA, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy and called “CIPFA Pensions Panel Guidance on Preparing and Maintaining a Funding Strategy Statement (Guidance note issue No. 6)”(2); and

(b)the statement of investment principles published by the administering authority under regulation 12 of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Management and Investment of Funds) Regulations 2009(3).

Pension administration strategy

59.—(1) An administering authority may prepare a written statement of the authority’s policies in relation to such of the matters mentioned in paragraph (2) as it considers appropriate (“its pension administration strategy”) and, where it does so, paragraphs (3) to (7) apply.

(2) The matters are—

(a)procedures for liaison and communication with Scheme employers in relation to which it is the administering authority (“its Scheme employers”);

(b)the establishment of levels of performance which the administering authority and its Scheme employers are expected to achieve in carrying out their Scheme functions by—

(i)the setting of performance targets,

(ii)the making of agreements about levels of performance and associated matters, or

(iii)such other means as the administering authority considers appropriate;

(c)procedures which aim to secure that the administering authority and its Scheme employers comply with statutory requirements in respect of those functions and with any agreement about levels of performance;

(d)procedures for improving the communication by the administering authority and its Scheme employers to each other of information relating to those functions;

(e)the circumstances in which the administering authority may consider giving written notice to any of its Scheme employers under regulation 70 (additional costs arising from Scheme employer’s level of performance) on account of that employer’s unsatisfactory performance in carrying out its Scheme functions when measured against levels of performance established under sub-paragraph (b);

(f)the publication by the administering authority of annual reports dealing with—

(i)the extent to which that authority and its Scheme employers have achieved the levels of performance established under sub-paragraph (b), and

(ii)such other matters arising from its pension administration strategy as it considers appropriate; and

(g)such other matters as appear to the administering authority after consulting its Scheme employers and such other persons as it considers appropriate, to be suitable for inclusion in that strategy.

(3) An administering authority must—

(a)keep its pension administration strategy under review; and

(b)make such revisions as are appropriate following a material change in its policies in relation to any of the matters contained in the strategy.

(4) In preparing or reviewing and making revisions to its pension administration strategy, an administering authority must consult its Scheme employers and such other persons as it considers appropriate.

(5) An administering authority must publish—

(a)its pension administration strategy; and

(b)where revisions are made to it, the strategy as revised.

(6) Where an administering authority publishes its pension administration strategy, or that strategy as revised, it must send a copy of it to each of its Scheme employers and to the Secretary of State as soon as is reasonably practicable.

(7) An administering authority and its Scheme employers must have regard to the pension administration strategy when carrying out their functions under these Regulations.

(8) In this regulation references to the functions of an administering authority include, where applicable, its functions as a Scheme employer.

Statements of policy about exercise of discretionary functions

60.—(1) A Scheme employer must prepare a written statement of its policy in relation to the exercise of its functions under regulations—

(a)16(2)(e) and 16(4)(d) (funding of additional pension);

(b)30(6) (flexible retirement);

(c)30(8) (waiving of actuarial reduction); and

(d)31 (award of additional pension),

and an administering authority must prepare such a statement in relation to the exercise of its functions under regulation 30(8) in cases where a former employer has ceased to be a Scheme employer.

(2) Each Scheme employer must send a copy of its statement to each relevant administering authority before 1st July 2014 and must publish its statement.

(3) A body required to prepare a statement under paragraph (1) must—

(a)keep its statement under review; and

(b)make such revisions as are appropriate following a change in its policy.

(4) Before the expiry of a month beginning with the date any such revisions are made, each Scheme employer must send a copy of its revised statement to each relevant administering authority, and must publish its statement as revised.

(5) In preparing, or reviewing and making revisions to its statement, a body required to prepare a statement under paragraph (1) must have regard to the extent to which the exercise of the functions mentioned in paragraph (1) in accordance with its policy could lead to a serious loss of confidence in the public service.

(6) In this regulation a relevant administering authority in relation to a Scheme employer, is any authority which is an appropriate administering authority for that employer’s employees.

Statements of policy concerning communications with members and Scheme employers

61.—(1) An administering authority must prepare, maintain and publish a written statement setting out its policy concerning communications with—


(b)representatives of members;

(c)prospective members; and

(d)Scheme employers.

(2) In particular the statement must set out its policy on—

(a)the provision of information and publicity about the Scheme to members, representatives of members and Scheme employers;

(b)the format, frequency and method of distributing such information or publicity; and

(c)the promotion of the Scheme to prospective members and their employers.

(3) The statement must be revised and published by the administering authority following a material change in their policy on any of the matters referred to in paragraph (2).


ISBN No 085299 996 8; copies may be obtained from CIPFA at 3 Robert Street, London WC2N 6RL.