
Article 2

SCHEDULE 1Authorised project

PART 1Authorised development

1.  A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 and 15 of the 2008 Act which is located in the North Sea approximately 43.4 kilometres from the Suffolk coast, comprising—

Work No. 1

(a)an offshore wind turbine generating station with a gross electrical output capacity of up to 1,200 MW comprising up to 240 wind turbine generators each fixed to the seabed by one of three foundation types (namely, jacket foundation, gravity base foundation or suction caisson foundation), fitted with rotating blades and situated within the area shown on the works plan and including the further works comprising sub-paragraphs (b) to (d);

(b)up to three HVAC offshore collector stations fixed to the seabed within the area shown on the works plan by one of two foundation types (namely jacket foundation or gravity base foundation);

(c)up to 1 meteorological mast fixed to the seabed within the area shown on the works plan by one of four foundation types (namely jacket foundation, gravity base foundation, suction caisson foundation or monopile foundation);

(d)a network of subsea cables within the area shown on the works plan between the WTGs and the HVAC offshore collector stations, up to two interconnection cables between the HVAC offshore collector stations, up to ten export cables between the HVAC offshore collector stations and Work No. 2, and up to one interconnection cable between the HVDC offshore converter stations comprising Work No. 2 for the transmission of electricity and electronic communications between these different structures including one or more cable crossings;

and associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the 2008 Act comprising—

Work No. 2 – up to two HVDC offshore converter stations fixed to the seabed within the area shown on the works plan by one of two foundation types (namely jacket foundation or gravity base foundation);

Work No. 3A – up to four HVDC export cables between Work No. 2 and Work No. 3B consisting of subsea cables along routes within the Order limits seaward of MHWS including one or more cable crossings;

In the county of Suffolk, district of Suffolk Coastal

Work No. 3B – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from mean low water at Bawdsey Cliffs to Work No. 4 together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds and a new temporary secondary construction consolidation site;

Work No. 3C – a new temporary vehicular access track from the temporary compound to the adopted highway at Ferry Road including modifications to the junction of the new vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Ferry Road and a new temporary vehicular access ramp from the temporary compound to the beach at Bawdsey Cliffs;

Work No. 4 – up to twelve transition cable jointing bays, with associated cables, connecting Work No. 3B to Work No. 5 to the east of Ferry Lane, Bawdsey together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds and a new temporary secondary construction consolidation site;

Work No. 5 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 4 running in a south westerly direction and passing through Ferry Road and continuing in a south westerly direction and passing through Queen’s Fleet drain and then running in a north westerly direction and then continuing in a westerly direction and then continuing in a north westerly direction and then continuing in a south westerly direction to Work No. 7A;

Work No. 6 – a new temporary access track running in a north easterly direction from Work No. 5 to Duke’s Lane and an upgraded access track running from Duke’s Lane to join the adopted highway at Dock Road and modifications to the junction of Duke’s Lane and the adopted highway at Dock Road;

Work No. 7A – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 5 running in a south westerly direction and passing under the River Deben to Work No. 9 together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds;

Work No. 7B – a new temporary secondary construction consolidation site on the east bank of the River Deben;

Work No. 8 – a new temporary vehicular access track running in a south westerly direction from Work No. 7B to Sheepgate Lane and upgrading of Sheepgate Lane to the adopted highway at Lower Falkenham Road and modifications to the junction of Sheepgate Lane and the adopted highway at Lower Falkenham Road;

Work No. 9 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground running from Work No. 7A in a westerly direction and then running in a north westerly direction to Work No. 10A;

Work No. 10A – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground running in a north westerly direction from Work No. 9 to Work No. 11;

Work No. 10B – a new temporary secondary construction consolidation site and modifications to the adopted highway at Park Lane to provide vehicular access to the construction consolidation site;

Work No. 11 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 10 running in a northerly direction and passing through Park Lane and then continuing in a northerly direction to Work No. 14;

Work No. 12 – a new temporary vehicular access track running to the south of Low Wood and Cottage Wood from Work No. 11 and then running in a north westerly direction to Kirton Brook and then running in a westerly direction and then running in a south westerly direction to the adopted highway at Newbourn Road together with modifications to the junction of the new temporary vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Newbourn Road;

Work No. 13 – a new temporary vehicular access track running from Work No. 14 in an easterly direction to the north of the Thicket and then in a southerly direction and then westerly direction running along the edge of the Thicket and then in a southerly direction to Sluice Farm and an upgrade of the existing vehicular access track from Sluice Farm to the adopted highway at Park Lane together with modifications to the junction of the new temporary vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Park Lane;

Work No. 14 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 11 to Work No. 15 running in a northerly direction and passing under Kirton Creek together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds;

Work No. 15 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground running from Work No. 14 in a northerly direction and continuing parallel with Mill Road and passing through The Street and then continuing in a northerly direction and passing through Ipswich Road and then continuing in a northerly direction and passing through Low Farm Campsite and then running in an easterly direction to Work No. 18 at Woodbridge Road;

Work No. 16 – a new temporary secondary construction consolidation site to the south east of Glebe Farm adjoining Work No. 15;

Work No. 17 – modifications to and upgrading of an existing vehicular access track, running in a westerly direction from Work No. 16 to the adopted highway on Woodbridge Road together with modifications to the junction of the upgraded vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Woodbridge Road;

Work No. 18 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground running from Work No. 15 and passing through Woodbridge Road and then continuing in a north easterly and then northerly and then north westerly direction and then running parallel with Waldringfield Road and then continuing in a westerly direction passing through Waldringfield Road and continuing to run parallel with Waldringfield Road and then running in a northerly direction passing through Waldringfield Road to Work No. 19;

Work No. 19 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 18 running in a northerly direction and passing under Martlesham Creek and then passing under the East Suffolk Railway to Work No. 21 together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds;

Work No. 20 – modifications to and upgrading of an existing vehicular access track, running from Work No. 19 in a southerly direction and then in a westerly direction and then in a northerly direction to the adopted highway on Church Lane together with modifications to the junction of the upgraded vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Church Lane;

Work No. 21 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 19 running in a westerly direction and passing under Sandy Lane and continuing in a westerly direction to Work No. 23A at Top Street;

Work No. 21A – a new temporary vehicular access track from Sandy Lane to Work No. 21 together with modifications to the junction of the new temporary vehicular access track and Sandy Lane;

Work No. 22A – modifications to and upgrading of an existing vehicular access track, running in a westerly direction from Work No. 19 to the adopted highway at Sandy Lane;

Work No. 22B – modifications to and upgrading of an existing vehicular access track, running in a southerly direction from Sandy Lane to Work No. 21 and Work No. 22A;

Work No. 23A – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 21 to Work No. 24;

Work No. 23B – a new temporary primary construction consolidation site;

Work No. 23C – modification and upgrading of an existing vehicular access track to provide vehicular access from and to the adopted highway at Top Street/Ipswich Road together with modifications to the junction of the upgraded vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Top Street/Ipswich Road;

Work No. 24 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 23A running in a north westerly direction and passing under the A12 highway to Work No. 25A; together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds;

Work No. 24A – modifications to and upgrading of an existing vehicular access track known as Brock Lane running in an easterly direction to the adopted highway at Top Street together with modifications to the junction of the upgraded vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Top Street and upgrading of the existing vehicular access through the existing tunnel passing under the A12;

Work No. 25A – connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground running in a northerly direction from Work No. 24A and then in a north westerly direction passing through the existing access track leading to Cherry Tree Farm and continuing in a westerly direction passing through the access track from Lodge Road leading to Meadow Cottage and continuing in a westerly direction passing through the River Lark to Work No. 26;

Work No. 25B – modifications and upgrading of an existing vehicular access track from Work No. 25A leading to the adopted highway at Seckford Hall Road to the south of Birds Hill together with modifications to the junction of the upgraded vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Seckford Hall Road;

Work No. 25C – a new temporary vehicular access track from Work No. 25A leading to the adopted highway at Lodge Road together with modifications to the junction of the new temporary vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Lodge Road;

Work No. 26 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 25A to Work No. 27 running in a north westerly direction and passing under Lodge Road together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds;

Work No. 27 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground running in a north westerly direction from Work No. 26 and then continuing in a south westerly direction and passing through Holly Lane and continuing in a westerly direction and passing through Church Road to Work No. 28A;

Work No. 28A – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground running in a north westerly direction to Work No. 29 at Butts Road;

Work No. 28B – a new temporary secondary construction consolidation site and a new vehicular access from the construction consolidation site to the adopted highway together with modifications to the junction of the new vehicular access track and the adopted highway;

Work No. 29 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground running in a westerly direction from Work No. 28A passing through Butts Road and then running parallel with Grundisburgh Road and then continuing in a south westerly direction and then continuing in a westerly direction and then continuing in a north westerly direction passing through Grundisburgh Road and then continuing in a north westerly and then westerly direction passing through Clopton Road and then continuing in a south westerly direction and passing through the River Fynn and then continuing in a westerly direction and then continuing in a south westerly direction and then continuing in a westerly direction to Work No. 30A;

Work No. 30A – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 29 and then passing through Witnesham Road then running in a north westerly direction to Work No. 31;

Work No. 30B – a new temporary secondary construction consolidation site and a new temporary vehicular access to the adopted highway at Witnesham Road together with modifications to the junction of the new temporary vehicular access and the adopted highway at Witnesham Road;

Work No. 31 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 30A passing through Cockfield Hall Lane running in a westerly direction and then continuing in a northerly direction and then continuing in a south westerly direction to Work No. 32;

In the county of Suffolk, district of Mid Suffolk

Work No. 32 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 31 running in a westerly direction and passing through Henley Road and continuing in a westerly direction passing through an unnamed track north east of Akenham and then continuing in a westerly direction and then continuing in a south westerly direction to Work No. 33A;

Work No. 33A – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 32 running in a south westerly direction and passing under the Old Ipswich Road and then passing under the A14 highway to Work No. 34A together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds;

Work No. 33B – a new temporary vehicular access track from Work No. 33A and Work No. 34B to the adopted highway at Paper Mill Lane together with modifications to the junction of the new temporary vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Paper Mill Lane;

Work No. 33C – modifications to the adopted highway at Old Ipswich Road to provide a vehicular access from the adopted highway at Old Ipswich Road to Work No. 33A;

Work No. 34A – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground running in a westerly direction from Work No. 33A and continuing in a westerly direction and passing through Paper Mill Lane to Work No. 35A;

Work No. 34B – a new temporary primary construction consolidation site;

Work No. 35A – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 34A running in a westerly direction and passing under the River Gipping and then continuing in a westerly direction and passing under the Great Eastern Mainline Railway and then continuing in a westerly direction and passing under Bramford Road and then continuing in a westerly direction to Work No. 36 together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds;

Work No. 35B – a new temporary access track and modification of the existing highway to provide access from Work No. 35A to the adopted highway at Paper Mill Lane;

Work No. 35C – a new temporary access track and modification of the existing highway to provide access from Work No. 35A to the adopted highway at Bramford Road;

Work No. 35D – upgrading of an existing access track and modification of the existing highway to provide access from Work No. 35A and Work No. 36 to the adopted highway at Bramford Road;

Work No. 36 – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 35A running in a south westerly direction and passing through Pound Lane and then continuing in a south westerly direction passing through an unnamed track and then continuing in a south westerly direction passing through Somersham Road and then continuing in a south westerly direction passing through Tye Lane and then continuing in a south westerly direction to Work No. 37A;

Work No. 37A – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 36 running in a south westerly direction and passing under Miller’s Wood to Work No. 37D together with new temporary horizontal directional drilling compounds;

Work No. 37B – new temporary vehicular access tracks providing access between the eastern and western areas within Work No. 37A together with upgrading of the unnamed vehicular access track passing through Miller’s Wood;

Work No. 37C – a new temporary vehicular access track from Work No. 37A and Work No. 37E passing through the temporary compound leading to the adopted highway at Bullen Lane together with modifications to the junction of the new temporary vehicular access track and the adopted highway at Bullen Lane;

Work No. 37D – onshore connection works consisting of up to four cables and up to eight additional cable ducts laid underground from Work No. 37A running in a south westerly direction passing through an unnamed vehicular access track to Bullenhall Farm and continuing in a westerly direction to Work No. 39;

Work No. 37E – a new temporary secondary construction consolidation site and a new temporary access from Work No. 37D to the adopted highway at Bullen Lane;

Work No. 38 – a new temporary works area associated with Work No. 39;

Work No. 39 – an onshore converter station to the north west of the existing National Grid Bramford substation;

Work No. 39A – a new temporary vehicular access track to the un-adopted highway at Bullen Lane together with modifications to the junction of the new temporary vehicular access track and the un-adopted highway at Bullen Lane;

Work No. 40 – landscaping works comprising of landscape planting in the vicinity of the onshore converter station referred to at Work No. 39 and a sustainable drainage system; and

Work No. 41 – onshore connection works consisting of up to two cables laid underground from Work No. 39 running in a south easterly direction through bridleway 144 (3126) and continuing towards a connection point at the existing National Grid Bramford substation;

and in connection with Works No. 1 to 3A and to the extent that they do not otherwise form part of any such work, further associated development comprising such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the relevant part of the authorised project and which fall within the scope of the work assessed by the environmental statement and the deemed marine licences;

and in connection with such Works No. 3B to 41 and to the extent that they do not otherwise form part of any such work, further associated development shown on the plans referred to in the requirements, or approved pursuant to the requirements, including—

(a)ramps, means of access and footpaths;

(b)bunds, embankments, swales, landscaping and boundary treatments;

(c)jointing bays, manholes, kiosks, marker posts and other works associated with cable laying;

(d)water supply works, foul drainage provision, surface water management systems and culverting;

(e)works of restoration;

(f)fencing or other means of enclosure; and

(g)such other works as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the relevant part of the authorised project;

which fall within the scope of the works assessed by the environmental statement.

2.  The grid coordinates for that part of the authorised project which is seaward of MHWS are specified below and more particularly shown on the Order limits boundary coordinates plan—

Coordinates for the Order limits seaward of MHWS

PointLatitude (DMS)Longitude (DMS)
152° 0′ 0.777″1° 25′ 27.320″
252° 0′ 41.137″1° 27′ 15.227″
352° 3′ 53.611″1° 35′ 40.499″
452° 5′ 44.773″1° 40′ 57.350″
552° 8′ 21.995″1° 48′ 34.767″
652° 9′ 37.650″1° 53′ 5.293″
752° 9′ 40.842″1° 57′ 7.198″
852° 11′ 6.526″2° 2′ 15.690″
952° 12′ 27.654″2° 10′ 3.953″
1052° 12′ 22.845″2° 11′ 9.965″
1152° 13′ 33.795″2° 15′ 22.225″
1252° 13′ 57.058″2° 23′ 6.622″
1352° 9′ 17.925″2° 25′ 36.436″
1452° 11′ 7.988″2° 11′ 30.888″
1552° 10′ 13.221″2° 5′ 28.775″
1652° 8′ 12.739″1° 57′ 41.369″
1752° 8′ 37.192″1° 57′ 49.886″
1852° 8′ 1.912″1° 54′ 31.662″
1952° 0′ 0.777″1° 25′ 27.320″
2052° 0′ 41.137″1° 27′ 15.227″
2152° 3′ 53.611″1° 35′ 40.499″
2252° 5′ 44.773″1° 40′ 57.350″
2352° 8′ 21.995″1° 48′ 34.767″
2452° 9′ 37.650″1° 53′ 5.293″
2552° 9′ 40.842″1° 57′ 7.198″
2652° 11′ 6.526″2° 2′ 15.690″
2752° 12′ 27.654″2° 10′ 3.953″
A52° 17′ 50.395″2° 21′ 1.372″
B52° 19′ 10.175″2° 27′ 36.407″
C52° 23′ 22.654″2° 31′ 40.044″
D52° 21′ 53.636″2° 34′ 13.872″
E52° 18′ 15.833″2° 34′ 13.645″
F52° 7′ 14.982″2° 32′ 58.021″
G52° 4′ 46.512″2° 31′ 2.669″
H52° 4′ 45.732″2° 28′ 1.913″

3.  The grid coordinates for that part of the authorised project which is landward of MLW are specified below and more particularly shown on the Order limits boundary coordinates plan—

Coordinates for the Order limits landward of MLW


PART 2Ancillary works

1.  Works within the Order limits which have been subject to an environmental impact assessment recorded in the environmental statement comprising—

(a)temporary landing places, moorings or other means of accommodating vessels in the construction and/or maintenance of the authorised development;

(b)buoys, beacons, fenders and other navigational warning or ship impact protection works; and

(c)temporary works for the benefit or protection of land or structures affected by the authorised development.

PART 3Requirements


1.  In this Part of this Schedule—

“AOD” means above ordnance datum;

“highway authority” means the local highway authority for the relevant area;

“onshore cable corridor” means the onshore area in which the cables will be located within the Order limits;

“stage” means one of the nine stages of the connection works comprised in—


Works No. 3B and 3C (using the construction consolidation site at Work No. 4);


Works No. 5 to 7A (using the construction consolidation site at Work No. 7B);


Works No. 8 to 10A (using the construction consolidation site at Work No. 10B);


Works No. 11 to 15(using the construction consolidation site at Work No. 16);


Works No. 17 to 23A (using the construction consolidation site at Work No. 23B);


Works No. 23C to 28A (using the construction consolidation site at Work No. 28B);


Works No. 29 to 30A (using the construction consolidation site at Work No. 30B);


Works No. 31 to 34A (using the construction consolidation site at Work No. 34B);


Works No. 35A to 37D (using the construction consolidation site at Work No. 37E);


Works No. 38 to 41;

or such other stage of the connection works agreed in writing with the relevant local planning authority;

“working width” means the construction width of the onshore cable corridor including haul route, spoil storage and temporary drainage during installation of cables and/or cable ducts.

Time limits

2.  The authorised development must commence no later than the expiration of five years beginning with the date this Order comes into force.

Detailed offshore design parameters

3.—(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), no wind turbine generator forming part of the authorised project shall—

(a)exceed a height of 200 metres when measured from LAT to the tip of the vertical blade;

(b)exceed a height of 120 metres to the height of the centreline of the generator shaft forming part of the hub when measured from LAT;

(c)exceed a rotor diameter of 170 metres;

(d)be less than 675 metres from the nearest WTG in either direction perpendicular to the approximate prevailing wind direction (crosswind) or be less than 900 metres from the nearest WTG in either direction which is in line with the approximate prevailing wind direction (downwind);

(e)have a distance of less than 22 metres between the lowest point of the rotating blade of the wind turbine and MHWS;

(f)except with the consent of the Secretary of State, have a gross electrical output capacity of less than 5 MW.

(2) References to the location of a wind turbine generator are references to the centre point of that turbine.

4.  No meteorological mast, wind turbine generator or offshore substation forming part of the authorised project shall be erected within the areas hatched black on the works plan, whose coordinates are specified below and more particularly shown on the Order limits boundary coordinates plan—

Coordinates for restricted build area
PointLatitude (DMS)Longitude (DMS)
i52° 17′ 29.501″2° 21′ 18.183″
ii52° 19′ 32.953″2° 29′ 16.557″
iii52° 19′ 47.657″2° 34′ 8.460″
iv52° 20′ 36.356″2° 34′ 8.509″
v52° 20′ 18.296″2° 28′ 48.188″
vi52° 23′ 17.520″2° 31′ 41.224″
vii52° 21′ 52.244″2° 34′ 8.586″
viii52° 18′ 15.948″2° 34′ 8.368″
ix52° 7′ 15.824″2° 32′ 52.848″
x52° 4′ 49.734″2° 30′ 59.349″
xi52° 4′ 48.985″2° 28′ 5.706″

5.—(1) The total number of offshore substations forming part of the authorised development must not exceed five.

(2) The dimensions of any HVAC offshore collector stations forming part of the authorised development (excluding towers, helipads, masts and cranes) must not exceed 60 metres in height when measured from LAT, 30 metres in length and 40 metres in width.

(3) The dimensions of any HVDC offshore converter stations forming part of the authorised development (excluding towers, helipads, masts and cranes) must not exceed 60 metres in height when measured from LAT, 75 metres in length and 120 metres in width.

6.—(1) The total length of the cables comprising Work No. 3A must not exceed 400 kilometres.

(2) The total length of the cables comprising Work No. 1(d) must not exceed 680 kilometres.

(3) The total amount of cable protection for the cables comprising Work No. 3A must not exceed 24,000 metres3.

(4) The total amount of cable protection for the cables comprising Work No. 1(d) must not exceed 3,000 metres3.

7.—(1) In relation to a WTG, each gravity base foundation must not have—

(a)a diameter at the level of the seabed which is more than 50 metres;

(b)a base height, where there is a flat base and a cylindrical shaft, which is more than 10 metres above the level of the seabed;

(c)a column diameter, where there is a flat or conical base, of more than 7.5 metres at LAT.

(2) In relation to a WTG, each suction caisson foundation must not have—

(a)a diameter at the level of the seabed which is more than 25 metres;

(b)a base height where there is a flat base, which is more than 5 metres above the level of the seabed;

(c)a column diameter which is more than 7.5 metres at LAT.

(3) In relation to a WTG, each jacket foundation must not have—

(a)a width spacing between its legs at the level of the seabed which is more than 35 metres;

(b)a pile diameter which is more than 2.5 metres in the case of pin piles or a suction bucket diameter of more than 5 metres;

(c)more than one pile per leg or more than one suction bucket per leg;

(d)more than four legs.

(4) In relation to a meteorological mast, each monopile foundation must not have a diameter greater than 6.5 metres.

(5) The total number of WTGs with gravity base foundations must not exceed 240.

(6) The total amount of scour protection for the WTGs, HVDC offshore converter stations and HVAC offshore collector stations forming part of the authorised development must not exceed 3.529 kilometres2.

Aviation safety

8.—(1) The undertakers must exhibit such lights, with such shape, colour and character as are required in writing by Air Navigation Order 2009(1) and determined necessary for aviation safety in consultation with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation Safeguarding and as directed by the CAA.

(2) The undertakers must notify the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, at least 14 days prior to the commencement of the authorised development, in writing of the following information—

(a)the date of the commencement of construction of the authorised development;

(b)the date any wind turbine generators are brought into use;

(c)the maximum height of any construction equipment to be used;

(d)the maximum heights of any wind turbine generator, mast and platform to be constructed;

(e)the latitude and longitude of each wind turbine generator, mast and platform to be constructed,

and the Defence Infrastructure Organisation Safeguarding must be notified of any changes to the information supplied under this paragraph and of the completion of the construction of the authorised development.

Offshore decommissioning

9.  No authorised development shall commence until a written decommissioning programme in compliance with any notice served upon the undertakers by the Secretary of State pursuant to section 105(2) of the 2004 Act has been submitted to the Secretary of State for approval.

Detailed design approval onshore

10.—(1) No part of Work No. 39 shall commence until details of the layout, scale and external appearance of the same, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority. Work No. 39 must be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

(2) Any details provided by the undertakers pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) must accord with the outline converter station design principles statement and be within the Order limits.

(3) No building comprised in Work No. 39 shall exceed 79 metres AOD and no external electrical equipment comprised in Work No. 39 shall exceed 64 metres AOD.

(4) The total footprint of the buildings housing the converters comprised in Work No. 39 must not exceed 130 metres in length and 85 metres in width.

(5) The fenced compound (excluding its accesses) comprised in Work No. 39 must not exceed 190 metres by 150 metres.

(6) The working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 55 metres, save in respect of the following—

(a)works for which horizontal directional drilling is proposed for the purpose of passing under the relevant obstruction named in the relevant Work No., as follows—

(i)Work No. 3B for which the working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 160 metres;

(ii)Work No. 7A for which the working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 160 metres;

(iii)Work No. 14 for which the working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 110 metres;

(iv)Work No. 19 for which the working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 160 metres;

(v)Work No. 24 for which the working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 120 metres;

(vi)Work No. 26 for which the working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 120 metres;

(vii)Work No. 33A for which the working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 160 metres;

(viii)Work No. 35A for which the working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 130 metres;

(ix)Work No. 37A for which the working width of the onshore cable corridor must not exceed 130 metres;

(b)plot 340 in the book of reference within Work No. 31 must not exceed 97 metres.

(7) Works No. 3B, 7A, 14, 19, 24, 26, 33A, 35A, and 37A must comprise horizontal directional drilling for the purpose of passing under the relevant obstruction named in the relevant Work No.

(8) In the event of the use of open trenching for construction of the connection works at Work No. 26, that open trenching must be carried out in accordance with figure 6.1 of the further environmental information.

(9) The footprint of the construction consolidation sites must not exceed the following—

(a)15,000 metres2 in the case of primary construction consolidation sites; or

(b)10,000 metres2 in the case of secondary construction consolidation sites.

(10) In relation to the kiosks to be located within the onshore cable corridor—

(a)no stage of the connection works shall commence until details of the number, location, scale and appearance of the kiosks have been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority;

(b)the footprint of each kiosk must not exceed 1 metre in width, 0.75 metres in length and 1 metres in height; and

(c)the kiosks must be constructed in accordance with the approved details.

Landfall method statement

11.—(1) No part of Work No. 3B, Work No. 3C or Work No. 4 shall commence until a method statement for the construction of Works No. 3B, 3C and 4 has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority in consultation with Natural England.

(2) The method statement referred to in sub-paragraph (1) must include measures to minimise the impact of the works on cliff stability and coastal erosion.

(3) The method statement must be implemented as approved.

Provision of landscaping

12.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall commence until for that stage a written landscaping management scheme and associated work programme (which accords with the outline landscape and ecological management strategy) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority in consultation with Natural England.

(2) The landscaping management scheme must include details of all proposed hard and soft landscaping works, including—

(a)location, number, species, size and planting density of any proposed planting, including any trees;

(b)cultivation, importing of materials and other operations to ensure plant establishment;

(c)proposed finished ground levels;

(d)hard surfacing materials;

(e)vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and circulation areas;

(f)minor structures, such as furniture, refuse or other storage units, signs and lighting;

(g)proposed and existing functional services above and below, ground, including drainage, power and communications cables and pipelines, manholes and supports;

(h)details of existing trees to be retained with measures for their protection during the construction period;

(i)retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant;

(j)implementation timetables for all landscaping works;

(k)proposed finished heights, form and gradient of earthworks in relation to Work No. 39 and Work No. 40; and

(l)in relation to Work No. 39 and Work No. 40 only, maintenance of the landscaping, including irrigation arrangements.

(3) The landscaping management scheme must be implemented as approved.

Implementation and maintenance of landscaping

13.—(1) All landscaping works must be carried out in accordance with the landscaping management schemes approved under Requirement 12, and in accordance with the relevant recommendations of appropriate British Standards.

(2) Any tree or shrub planted as part of an approved landscaping management scheme that, within a period of five years (save in relation to Work No. 38 and Work No. 40, which shall be ten years) after planting, is removed, dies or becomes, in the opinion of the relevant planning authority, seriously damaged or diseased must be replaced in the first available planting season with a specimen of the same species and size as that originally planted.

Highway accesses and improvements

14.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall commence until for that stage written details (which accord with the outline access management plan) of the siting, design, layout and any access management measures for any new permanent or temporary means of access to a highway to be used by vehicular traffic, or any alteration to an existing means of access to a highway used by vehicular traffic, has, after consultation with the highway authority, been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The highway accesses for that stage must be constructed or altered and the works described in sub-paragraph (1) in relation to access management measures must be carried out, as the case may be, in accordance with the approved details before they are brought into use for the purposes of the authorised development.

(3) No stage of the connection works shall commence until for that stage, a scheme of highway improvements within the highway boundary (in accordance with table 1 of the outline traffic management plan) has been submitted to, and approved by the local planning authority in consultation with the relevant highway authority. The scheme must describe whether the proposed improvements are to be temporary or permanent.

(4) The highway improvements must be constructed in accordance with the approved details before they are brought in to use for the purposes of the authorised development.

Fencing and other means of enclosure

15.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall be commenced until for that stage written details of all proposed permanent and temporary fences, walls or other means of enclosure of the connection works have been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) All construction consolidation sites must remain securely fenced in accordance with the approved details at all times during construction of the relevant stage of the connection works.

(3) Any temporary fencing must be removed on completion of the relevant stage of the connection works.

(4) Any approved permanent fencing in relation to Work No. 39 must be completed before the relevant work is brought into use and maintained for the operational lifetime of Work No. 39.

Surface and foul water drainage

16.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall be commenced until for that stage written details of the surface and (if any) foul water drainage system (including means of pollution control) have, after consultation with the relevant drainage authorities, Suffolk County Council and the Environment Agency, been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The details agreed in sub-paragraph (1) must include a surface water drainage scheme for Work No. 39, which is based on sustainable drainage principles and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context of the development.

(3) The surface and foul water drainage system for the relevant stage must be constructed in accordance with the approved details unless agreed otherwise in writing by the relevant planning authority.

Contaminated land and ground water

17.—(1) No connection works comprised in stage (vii) shall commence until a written scheme applicable to that stage, to mitigate the potential for release of contaminants within the Order limits has, after consultation with the Environment Agency, been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The scheme must include an investigation and assessment report, prepared by a specialist consultant approved by the relevant planning authority, to identify the extent of any contamination within the Order limits comprised in stage (vii) and mitigation measures to be undertaken to limit impacts arising from the potential release of contaminants.

(3) The written scheme referred to in sub-paragraph (1) must be implemented as approved.


18.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall be commenced until for that stage a written scheme of archaeological investigation (which accords with the outline written scheme of investigation: archaeology and cultural heritage (onshore)) has, after consultation with English Heritage and Suffolk County Council, been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The scheme must include details of the following—

(a)an assessment of significance and research questions; and

(b)the programme and methodology of site investigation and recording;

(c)the programme for post investigation assessment;

(d)provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording;

(e)provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation;

(f)provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation; and

(g)nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the written scheme of investigation.

(3) Any archaeological works or watching brief must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.

(4) The site investigation and post investigation assessment must be completed for that stage in accordance with the programme set out in the written scheme of archaeological investigation and provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition secured for that stage.

Ecological management plan

19.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall be commenced until for that stage a written ecological management plan (which accords with the outline landscape and ecological management strategy) reflecting the survey results and ecological mitigation and enhancement measures included in the environmental statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority in consultation with Natural England.

(2) The ecological management plan must include an implementation timetable and must be carried out as approved.

Code of construction practice

20.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall be commenced until for that stage a code of construction practice has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant local planning authority, in consultation with the relevant highway authority. The code of construction practice must cover all the matters set out in the outline code of construction practice.

(2) The code of construction practice must include—

(a)a surface water and drainage management plan;

(b)watercourse crossing method statements;

(c)a flood plan;

(d)a written scheme for noise and vibration management during construction;

(e)an air quality monitoring plan;

(f)artificial light emissions plan;

(g)a site waste management plan;

(h)a pollution prevention and emergency incident response plan; and

(i)a project community and public relations procedure.

(3) The code of construction practice approved in relation to the relevant stage of the connection works must be followed in relation to that stage of the connection works.

External lighting and control of artificial light emissions

21.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall commence until written details of any external lighting to be installed in connection with that stage, including measures to prevent light spillage, have, after consultation with the highway authority, been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority; and any approved means of lighting shall be installed in accordance with the approved details and retained for the duration of the construction period.

(2) Any means of construction lighting approved under sub-paragraph (1) must be removed on completion of the relevant stage of the connection works.

(3) Work No. 39 shall not be commenced until a written scheme for the management and mitigation of artificial light emissions during the operation of Work No. 39, including measures to minimise lighting pollution and the hours of lighting, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority.

(4) The approved scheme for the management and mitigation of artificial light emissions must be implemented before and maintained during the operation of Work No. 39.

Control of noise during construction

22.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall commence until a written scheme for noise and vibration management (which must accord with the outline code of construction practice) during construction of that stage has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority. The scheme for noise and vibration management must form part of the code of construction practice.

(2) The scheme must set out the particulars of—

(a)the construction works, and the method by which they are to be carried out;

(b)the noise attenuation measures to be taken to minimise noise resulting from the construction works, including any noise limits; and

(c)a scheme for monitoring the noise during the construction works to ensure compliance with the noise limits and effectiveness of the attenuation measures.

(3) The approved noise and vibration management scheme must be implemented before and maintained during construction of the relevant stage of the connection works.

(4) The construction works must be undertaken in accordance with the approved noise and vibration management scheme.

Construction hours

23.—(1) Construction work for the connection works and any construction-related traffic movements to or from the site of the connection works shall not take place other than between 0700 hours and 1900 hours Monday to Saturday, with no activity on Sundays or bank holidays, save—

(a)where continuous periods of operation are required as assessed in the environmental statement, such as concrete pouring and directional drilling (subject to sub-paragraphs (3) and (4));

(b)for internal fitting out works associated with the onshore converter station comprised within Work No. 39;

(c)for the delivery of abnormal loads to the connection works, which may cause congestion on the local road network; and

(d)where connection works are being carried out on the foreshore.

(2) All construction operations which are to be undertaken outside the hours specified in sub-paragraph (1) must be agreed with the relevant planning authority in writing in advance, and must be carried out within the agreed times.

(3) Construction of Work No. 21 shall not take place other than between 0700 hours and 1900 hours Monday to Saturday, with no activity on Sunday or bank holidays.

(4) Construction of Work No. 26 shall not take place other than between 0700 hours and 1900 hours Monday to Friday and 0700 hours and 1400 hours on Saturday, with no activity on Sunday or bank holidays.

Control of noise during operational phase

24.—(1) No part of Work No. 39 will commence until written details that provide for the insulation of the onshore converter station against the transmission of noise and vibration have been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority. Work No. 39 must thereafter be implemented in accordance with the approved details. The rating level of operational noise immissions (including any relevant penalties for tonal or impulsive noise in accordance with section 8 of BS4142:1997) from Work No. 39 (including transformers, air handling units and cooling fans) shall not exceed 35 dB LAeq, 5 min at Bullenhall Farm (610287, 246601) Hill Farm (609088, 245652) and Woodlands Farm (609597, 246806).

(2) Within three months of the completion of commissioning of Work 39, the undertakers shall submit measurements to the relevant planning authority taken in the vicinity of the relevant property or properties specified at sub-paragraph (1) to confirm the rating level of operational noise immissions do not exceed 35 dB LAeq, 5 min, including details of any remedial works and a programme of implementation should the immissions exceed the stated levels.

(3) Measurements shall be undertaken in accordance with the equipment specifications, measurement procedures and monitoring equipment positioning guidelines outlined in sections 4, 5 and 6 of BS 4142:1997.

(4) For the purposes of this requirement, “completion of commissioning” means the date when the circuits have been fully tested and verified that they are able to transmit their rated power capacity to the grid connection point and National Grid has issued an FON (final operation notification) to the generator.


25.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall be commenced until for that stage, after consultation with the relevant highway authority, the following have been submitted to and approved by the relevant local planning authority in consultation with the relevant highway authority—

(a)a traffic management plan which must be in accordance with the outline traffic management plan;

(b)a travel plan which must be in accordance with the outline travel plan; and

(c)an access management plan which must be in accordance with the outline access management plan.

(2) The plans approved under sub-paragraph (1) must be implemented upon commencement of the relevant stage of the connection works.

Port travel plan

26.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall be commenced until a travel plan for the onshore port-related traffic to and from the selected base port or ports and relating to the authorised project, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the relevant highway authority. The travel plan must be implemented as approved at all times specified within the travel plan during the construction and/or operation of the authorised development.

(2) For the purposes of this Requirement—

“base port” means the port used by management personnel for construction of the authorised development and for the ongoing operational management of the authorised development;

“relevant planning authority” and “relevant highway authority” mean the planning or highway authority or authorities in whose area the relevant port is located; and

“selected base port” or “ports” means a port or ports situated in England and/or Wales.

European protected species

27.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall be commenced until final pre-construction survey work has been carried out to establish whether a European protected species is present on any of the land affected, or likely to be affected, by that stage of the connection works or in any of the trees to be lopped or felled as part of that stage of the connection works.

(2) Where a European protected species is shown to be present, the relevant part(s) of the connection works must not begin until, after consultation with Natural England and the relevant planning authority, a scheme of protection and mitigation measures has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority. The connection works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.

(3) “European protected species” has the same meaning as in regulations 40 and 44 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 2010(2).

Restoration of land used temporarily for construction

28.  Any land landward of mean low water within the Order limits which is used temporarily for construction of the connection works and not ultimately incorporated in permanent works or approved landscaping, must be reinstated in accordance with such details the relevant planning authority in consultation with the relevant highway authority may approve, as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within twelve months of completion of the relevant stage of the connection works.

Installation of cable ducts

29.—(1) Save in relation to plots 448 to 450, 453 to 454 and 457 to 471 in the book of reference—

(a)all cable ducts forming part of the onshore connection works must be installed simultaneously together with the onshore cables for the authorised project forming part of the onshore connection works unless sub-paragraph (2) applies; and

(b)no stage of the connection works shall commence until a written method statement showing the programme for laying the onshore cables for the authorised project and all cable ducts as part of a single cable laying operation has for that stage been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority. The method statement must include an implementation timetable for laying the cables for the authorised project and all ducts and must be carried out as approved.

(2) If the Secretary of State, on an application to him from the undertakers shall confirm in writing that other generation projects which would otherwise use the ducts to connect to the National Grid have been abandoned or will not come forward within a reasonable timeframe there shall be no requirement to install the ducts pursuant to sub-paragraph (1).

(3) In considering any application to him under sub-paragraph (2) the Secretary of State shall have regard to—

(a)the status of any consent process for those other generation projects;

(b)the status of any agreement for lease for the offshore location of these other generation projects;

(c)the status of any connection agreement to the National Grid;

(d)any confirmation from The Crown Estate or National Grid with regard to (b) and (c) respectively;

(e)any statements from the relevant planning authorities and any other interested party in relation to those other generation projects.

Skills strategy

30.—(1) No stage of the connection works shall be commenced until a skills strategy (which accords with the outline skills strategy) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority, after consultation with Suffolk County Council.

(2) The skills strategy must be implemented as approved.

Onshore decommissioning

31.—(1) Within three months of the cessation of commercial operation of the connection works, or of Work No. 3B or of Work No. 4 an onshore decommissioning plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The decommissioning plan must be implemented as approved.

Decommissioning of Work No. 3B and Work No. 4

32.—(1) After a period of 24 years but before the expiration of a period of 25 years following completion of construction of Work No. 3B and Work No. 4 or 2043 (whichever is earlier), the undertakers must submit a report to the relevant planning authority detailing the following—

(a)the extent of coastal retreat experienced following completion of construction;

(b)whether any remedial works or mitigation measures to protect Work No. 3B and Work No. 4 from coastal retreat have been required during this period, what these works comprised and an assessment of their impacts on coastal processes;

(c)the length of any proposed extension to the operational lifespan of the authorised project;

(d)the extent of the likely coastal retreat during the timeframe of any proposed extension and the likely need for, and nature of, any proposed remedial works or mitigation measures to protect Work No. 3B and Work No. 4 from coastal retreat and an analysis of their predicted impact on coastal processes; and

(e)any proposed remedial works or mitigation measures identified under paragraph (d).

(2) If it cannot be demonstrated to the reasonable satisfaction of the relevant planning authority that, taking into account any proposals for such remedial works or mitigation measures, Work No. 3B and Work No. 4 will not have a significant impact on coastal processes then Work No. 3B and Work No. 4 must be decommissioned in accordance with Requirement 31 (onshore decommissioning).

Requirement for written approval

33.  Where under any of the above Requirements the approval or agreement of the Secretary of State, the relevant planning authority or another person is required, that approval or agreement must be given in writing.

Amendments to approved details

34.—(1) With respect to any Requirement which requires the authorised development to be carried out in accordance with the details approved by the relevant planning authority or another person, the approved details must be carried out as approved unless an amendment or variation is previously agreed in writing by the relevant planning authority or that other person in accordance with sub-paragraph (2).

(2) Any amendments to or variations from the approved details must be in accordance with the principles and assessments set out in the environmental statement. Such agreement may only be given in relation to immaterial changes where it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the relevant planning authority or that other person that the subject matter of the agreement sought is unlikely to give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects from those assessed in the environmental statement.

(3) The approved details shall be taken to include any amendments that may subsequently be approved in writing by the relevant planning authority or that other person.


S.I. 2010/490. There are amendments to these Regulations which are not relevant to this Order.