The North Killingholme (Generating Station) Order 2014

Control of noise during construction

19.—(1) Prior to commencement of construction Work No. 1 or Work No. 2a or Work No. 2b an acoustic design report must be submitted in relation to the construction of the relevant work and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The report must detail—

(a)the noise control measures that are proposed to be included in the design of the relevant Work;

(b)the noise attenuation measures for the turbine and filter ventilation apertures and outlet ducts between the gas turbine and heat recovery steam generator;

(c)acoustic attenuation measures for internal plant and equipment;

(d)the control measures for noise of an impulsive or tonal nature; and

(e)the enclosure of unit transformers and generator transformers.

(3) The measures must be installed in accordance with the approved scheme prior to commencement of operation of the relevant Work and retained and maintained afterwards in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority.