The Network Rail (Norton Bridge Area Improvements) Order 2014

Landscaping and habitat replacement

4.—(1) No authorised development may commence in any geographical area, those areas to be identified on a plan previously submitted to the relevant planning authority, unless and until a written landscaping and habitat replacement scheme for that area has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The submitted scheme must incorporate—

(a)the mitigation measures described in section 8 (Mitigation) of Technical Appendix Report 8 (Landscape and Visual Technical Report) to Volume 3 of the Environmental Statement and in the design brief; and

(b)details of—

(i)location, number, species, size, planting density and planting method and protection of any proposed planting;

(ii)cultivation, other amelioration where appropriate, importing of materials and other operations to ensure plant establishment;

(iii)implementation timetables for all landscaping and habitat replacement;

(iv)temporary fencing that complies with best practice to protect trees and hedgerows adjacent to the works; and

(v)a 5 year aftercare programme including weed control and pruning, if required, to promote establishment and timely rectification of defects.