27.—(1) No stage of the onshore works must commence until written details of a construction-phase traffic management plan (“CTMP”), including port-related traffic, to be used for the management of construction traffic has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority following consultation with the local highway authority for the area within which the port is located.
(2) The CTMP must include details (including agreed routes) for abnormal indivisible loads (“AILs”) that will be delivered by road (or confirmation that no AILs will be required for construction of the authorised project), and the approved details must be adhered to at all times during the time when AILs are to be transported to or from the authorised project by road.
(3) Notices must be erected and maintained throughout the period of construction at construction site exits, in accordance with the CTMP, indicating to drivers the routes agreed by the relevant planning authority for traffic entering and leaving sites.
(4) The CTMP must be in accordance with the details submitted within the CoCP.
(5) The CTMP must be implemented on commencement of the relevant stage of construction works as approved.