CHAPTER 5E+WStorage of waste other than at the place of production pending its recovery or re-use
SECTION 1E+WIntroductory
1.—(1) The descriptions in this Chapter are set out in the first sub-paragraph of paragraphs S1 to S3.E+W
(2) The specific conditions for each of the descriptions in this Chapter are set out in the third sub-paragraph of paragraphs S1 to S3.
(3) The general conditions for all descriptions in this Chapter are that the storage is carried on—
(a)at a place other than the place of production, and
(b)pending the recovery of the waste.
SECTION 2E+WStorage of waste
Storage of waste in secure containers (S1)E+W
1.—(1) The storage of relevant waste at a place in a secure container or containers for the purposes of its recovery elsewhere.
(2) The table specifying relevant waste for the purposes of this paragraph and the storage limits referred to in sub-paragraph (3) is set out below.
Codes | Waste types | Storage limit (at any one time) |
130109* to 130113* | Waste oils | 3 cubic metres |
130204* to 130208* |
130401* to 130403* |
130701* |
150101, 200101 | Cartons | 400 cubic metres |
150102, 200139 | Plastics and plastic packaging | 400 cubic metres |
150104, 200140 | Cans and foil only | 400 cubic metres |
150101, 200101 | Paper and cardboard | 400 cubic metres |
150107, 200102 | Glass | 400 cubic metres |
150109, 200110, 200111 | Textiles and clothes | 400 cubic metres |
150202* | Absorbents, filter materials (including oil filters not otherwise specified) wiping cloths, protective clothing contaminated by hazardous substances | 3 cubic metres |
150203 | Absorbents, filter materials, wiping cloths and protective clothing other than those mentioned in 150202 | 3 cubic metres |
160107* | Oil filters | 3 cubic metres |
(3) For the purposes of this paragraph, the specific conditions are that—
(a)the total quantity of waste stored at any one time does not exceed the limit specified in the third column in the table in sub-paragraph (2),
(b)the total quantity of storage containers at the storage place at any one time does not exceed 20,
(c)no waste is stored for longer than 12 months,
(d)the person storing the waste is the owner of the container or containers or has the consent of the owner,
(e)in respect of any waste oils and waste to which code 160107* (oil filters) applies, the waste is stored with secondary containment, and
(f)each waste type is stored separately.
Storage of waste in a secure place (S2)E+W
2.—(1) The storage of relevant waste in a secure place for the purposes of its recovery elsewhere.
(2) The table specifying relevant waste for the purposes of this paragraph and the quantity limits referred to in sub-paragraph (3) is set out below.
Codes | Waste types | Storage limit (at any one time) | Period | Additional specific conditions |
161002 | Aqueous paint related waste only | 1,000 litres | 6 months | A, C |
160601*, 160602*, 160603*, 160604, 160605, 200133*, 200134 | Batteries | 10 tonnes | 6 months | A, B |
150104, 200140 | Cans and foil only | 500 tonnes | 12 months | |
140601* | CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs | 18 tonnes | 6 months | A, C |
170101, 170102, 170103, 170107, 170202, 170203, 170401 to 170407, 170504, 170604, 170802 | Construction and demolition waste capable of being used in its existing state (non-hazardous) only | 100 tonnes | 12 months | |
200125 | Edible oil and fat only | 5,000 tonnes | 12 months | A, C |
100207* | Electric arc furnace dust only | 2,500 tonnes | 3 months | D, E, F |
020104 | Farm plastics (non-packaging) only | 500 tonnes | 12 months | D |
070213, 150101, 150102, 150105, 200139 | Food and drink cartons only | 500 tonnes | 12 months | |
101112, 150107, 160120, 170202, 191205, 200102 | Glass | 5,000 tonnes | 12 months | B |
020102 | Mammalian protein only | 60,000 tonnes | 12 months | D |
020202 | Mammalian tallow only | 45,000 tonnes | 12 months | D |
200307 | Mattresses only | 5 tonnes | 3 months | D |
010408, 191209 | Marble chips only | 5,000 tonnes | 12 months | |
020304 | Olive pulp/pellet only | 5,000 tonnes | 3 months | B, C, E |
200127*, 200128, 080111*, 080112 | Paints (excluding specialist and industrial paints, wood preservatives, aerosol and spray paints, inks, adhesives and resins) pending re-use as paints only | 10,000 litres | 6 months | A, C |
150101, 191201, 200101, 030308, 030307 | Paper and cardboard (excluding food and drink cartons) only | 15,000 tonnes | 12 months | J, K |
090107, 090108 | Photographic films and papers | 50 tonnes | 12 months | J |
070213, 120105, 150102, 160119, 191204, 200139 | Plastic | 500 tonnes | 12 months | |
100101 | Poultry litter ash only | 3,000 tonnes | 12 months | D, E |
080318, 150102, 160216, 200139 | Printer cartridges only | 5,000 units | 6 months | D |
170301*, 170302, 170504 | Road planings, waste road chippings, road sub-base only | 500 tonnes | 12 months | |
020110, 160117, 160118, 191203, 170401, 170402, 170403, 170404, 170405, 170406, 170407, 191202, 170411 | Scrap metal | 15,000 tonnes | 6 months | B, E |
090110, 090111*, 090112 | Single use cameras | 400 cubic metres | 6 months | |
020401, 020399 | Soils from cleaning fruit and vegetables only | 100 tonnes | 6 months | |
100316, 100405*, 100504, 100511, 100604, 100811, 100899 | Solder metal, skimmings, ashes and residues | 100 tonnes | 3 months | G |
140602*, 140603*, 200113* | Solvents and solvent mixtures | 5 cubic metres | 6 months | A, C |
100101, 100102, 100105, 100115 | Synthetic gypsum and pulverised fuel ash only | 2,500 tonnes | 3 months | D, E, F |
040222, 150109, 191208, 200110, 200111 | Textiles and clothes | 1,000 tonnes | 12 months | |
160103, 191204 | Tyres, tyre chip and crumb | 40 tonnes | 3 months | H |
110113*, 120301*, 160708* | Waste cleaning solution containing 2% sodium metasilicate and 1-2% waste oil only | 3 tonnes | 3 months | A, C |
160211*,160213*, 160214, 160216, 200121*, 200123*, 200135*, 200136 | WEEE | 400 cubic metres | 6 months | I |
030301, 150102, 150103, 200138 | Wine bottle corks only | 500 tonnes | 12 months | |
030105, 170201, 170204*,191206*, 191207, 200137*, 200138 | Wood including telegraph poles and railway sleepers (hazardous and non-hazardous) | 100 tonnes | 12 months | 030105, 170201, 170204*, 191206*, 191207, 200137*, 200138 |
(3) For the purposes of this paragraph, the specific conditions are that—
(a)the total quantity of waste stored at any one time does not exceed the limit specified in the third column of the table in sub-paragraph (2),
(b)no waste is stored for longer than the period specified in the fourth column of the table,
(c)each type of waste is stored separately, and
(d)the operation complies with such of the following additional conditions as are specified in the fifth column of the table—
A | the waste is stored in a container; |
B | the storage place has sealed drainage; |
C | the waste is stored with secondary containment; |
D | the waste is stored indoors; |
E | the waste is stored at a dock prior to being exported or after being imported; |
F | the waste must arrive at the storage place in bags and must be stored there in bags or in drums; |
G | the waste is stored in bags or in drums; |
H | the total quantity of waste stored together does not exceed 10 tonnes; |
I | the waste is stored in accordance with the requirements in paragraph 1 of Annex VIII to the WEEE Directive; |
J | the waste is stored in a baled form, in a container or indoors; |
K | within the quantity limit specified in the third column of the table and notwithstanding additional specific condition J, up to 1,000 tonnes may be stored outdoors so long as it is stored in an enclosure designed and maintained to prevent the escape of litter. |
Storage of sludge (S3)E+W
3.—(1) The storage of relevant waste.
(2) The table specifying relevant waste for the purposes of this paragraph is set out below.
Codes | Waste types |
190805 | Residual sludge from sewage plants treating domestic or urban waste waters and from other sewage plants treating waste waters of a composition similar to domestic and urban waste waters only |
200304 | Residual sludge from septic tanks and other similar installations for the treatment of sewage only |
(3) For the purposes of this paragraph, the specific conditions are that—
(a)the total quantity of waste stored at any one time does not exceed 1,250 tonnes,
(b)no waste is stored for longer than 12 months,
(c)the waste is stored in a secure location at the place where it is to be used,
(d)the waste is stored at least—
(i)10 metres from any watercourse;
(ii)50 metres from any spring or well, or from any borehole not used to supply water for domestic or food production purposes;
(iii)250 metres from any borehole used to supply water for domestic or food production purposes,
(e)no waste is stored—
(i)within a zone defined by a 50-day travel time for groundwater to reach a groundwater abstraction that is used to supply water for domestic or food production purposes;
(ii)within 0.3 metres of the top of an open storage container or within 0.75 metres of the top of an earthbank tank or lagoon, and
(f)after storage, the waste is to be used in accordance with the Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations 1989 .