The Court of Appeal and Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) Fees (Amendment) Order 2016

Citation and commencement

1.  This Order may be cited as the Court of Appeal and Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) Fees (Amendment) Order 2016 and comes into force on 18th April 2016.

Amendments to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008

2.  In the Table in Schedule 1 to the Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008(1) in column 2 (amount of fee)—

(a)for the entry corresponding to fee 13.1(a) (fee payable on an application for permission to appeal or for an extension of time) for “£235” substitute “£528”;

(b)for the entry corresponding to fee 13.1(b) (fee payable on filing an appeal notice where permission to appeal is not required or has not been granted) for “£465” substitute “£1,199”;

(c)for the entry corresponding to fee 13.1(c) (fee payable on filing an appeal questionnaire) for “£465” substitute “£1,199”;

(d)for the entry corresponding to fee 13.2 (fee payable on filing a respondent’s notice) for “£235” substitute “£528”;

(e)for the entry corresponding to fee 13.3 (fee payable on filing an application notice) for “£235” substitute “£528”.

Amendments to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) Fees Order 2009

3.  For Schedule 1 (fees) to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) Fees Order 2009(2) substitute the Schedule set out in the Schedule to this Order.

Signed by authority of the Lord Chancellor

Shailesh Vara

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Ministry of Justice

16th March 2016

We consent

George Hollingbery

Charlie Elphicke

Two of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty’s Treasury

17th March 2016